E-Rate Eligibility/Global Service Substitution
Final eligibility of any component (and the E-rate service category in which discounts should be requested) will be determined by technical configuration (use), installation location, user population served, cost-effectiveness, and other E-rate regulatory requirements.

E-rate Eligibility on Support SKUs
- This tool currently supports hardware and software product SKUs only.
- Support must be listed on the controlling FCC Form 470 under Category Two Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections, and applied for on FCC Form 471 under Category Two Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections.

This lookup tool is offered as informal guidance, this is not a guarantee of eligibility. Per the Eligible Services List:
Additional guidance from USAC about the E-rate application process and about eligible services, including a glossary of terms, is available at USAC’s website at http://www.usac.org/sl/. The documents on USAC's website are not incorporated by reference into the ESL and do not bind the Commission. Thus, they will not be used to determine whether a service or product is eligible. Applicants and service providers are free to refer to those documents, but just for informal guidance.