Aruba and EnOcean joint solutions
EnOcean is a pioneer in energy-harvesting wireless IoT building controls.

How our technology partnership benefits you
EnOcean 800/900 MHz and Bluetooth wireless IoT devices interoperate with Aruba access points for smart building applications of any size.
Retrofits to existing Aruba infrastructure without replacing the network
Lowers TCO by eliminating batteries, wires, and hardware gateways
Ups security by tunneling IoT data to target applications
Leverages open ISO standard IoT protocol
Eliminates vendor lock-in with IoT devices available from hundreds of vendors
Accommodates a broad range of on-premises and cloud monitoring applications
See how EnOcean Alliance can support your new IoT requirements
A federation of 400 vendors, the Alliance manufactures more than 5,000 lighting, temperature, air quality, security, safety, and power-monitoring sensors and actuators. Use cases include digital twins of processes and buildings, human activity monitoring, and more.
How Aruba Wi-Fi APs work with products from EnOcean and certified EnOcean Alliance vendors
Add IoT to any building without pulling wires or replacing batteries.
- Use AOS 8.7 or higher
- Insert EnOcean 800/900 MHz USB radio into compatible Aruba Wi-Fi 5 or 6 AP
- Enter IP address of target on-premises, private, or public cloud IoT application
- Zero Trust network automatically establishes secure Websocket connection and streams IoT data bi-directionally
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Frequently asked questions
How do EnOcean products harvest energy?
Energy is harvested from visible light, temperature changes, and mechanical movement. This allows devices to operate without batteries.
Which Aruba access points and ArubaOS versions support EnOcean products?
Any Wi-Fi 5 or Wi-Fi 6 AP with a USB port running AOS 8.7 or higher will work.
What is the average life cycle cost savings to a customer by eliminating battery replacement?
Including truck dispatch and ladder-climbs, the savings can total $300 per battery change, which would typically occur every three years.