show ubt users
show ubt users [ all | count | down | mac <MAC-ADDR> | {port <IF-NAME> | <IF-RANGE>} | up] zone <ZONE-NAME>
Displays user information for UBT.
Command context
Operator (>
) or Manager (#
- Display information for all users.
- Display the total number of users configured to tunnel traffic.
Display the users that are not able to tunnel traffic.
mac <MAC-ADDR>
Display user information based on MAC address.
port <IF-NAME> | <IF-RANGE>
Display user information for a specific interface or range of interfaces. For example,
port 1/1/1
orport 1/1/1-1/1/10
Display user information that are active.
zone <ZONE-NAME>
Specifies UBT zone name. Maximum characters: 64.
Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.
On the 6400 Switch Series, interface identification differs.
Showing information for all users:
switch# show ubt users all ===================================================================== Displaying All UBT Users for Zone: zone1 ===================================================================== Downloaded user roles are preceded by * Port Mac Address Tunnel Status Secondary UserRole Failure Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/25 00:00:00:11:12:03 activated authenticated ---/---
Showing information for users of
switch# show ubt users all zone zone1 ===================================================================== Displaying All UBT Users for Zone: zone1 ===================================================================== Downloaded user roles are preceded by * Port Mac Address Tunnel Status Secondary UserRole Failure Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/25 00:00:00:11:12:03 activated authenticated ---/---
Displaying the number of users that are tunneling traffic:
switch# show ubt users count Total Number of Users using ubt Zone : zone1 is 2 =================================================== Total Number of Users in all the zones : 2 ===================================================
Showing users that are down:
switch# show ubt users down ===================================================================== Displaying UBT Users of Zone: zone1 having Tunnel Status DOWN ===================================================================== Downloaded user roles are preceded by * Port Mac Address Tunnel Status Secondary UserRole Failure Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/25 00:00:00:11:12:03 activation_failed authenticated PBF Failure
Showing information for users of
that are down:
switch# show ubt users down zone zone1 ===================================================================== Displaying UBT Users of Zone: zone1 having Tunnel Status DOWN ===================================================================== Downloaded user roles are preceded by * Port Mac Address Tunnel Status Secondary UserRole Failure Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/25 00:00:00:11:12:03 activation_failed authenticated PBF Failure
Showing information for users on port
switch# show ubt users port 2/25 ===================================================================== Displaying UBT Users of Zone: zone1 ===================================================================== Downloaded user roles are preceded by * Port Mac Address Tunnel Status Secondary UserRole Failure Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/25 00:00:00:11:12:03 activated authenticated ---/---
Showing information for users that are up:
switch# show ubt users up ===================================================================== Displaying UBT Users of Zone: zone1 having Tunnel Status UP ===================================================================== Downloaded user roles are preceded by * Port Mac Address Tunnel Status Secondary UserRole Failure Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/25 00:00:00:11:12:03 activated authenticated ---/---
Showing information for users of
that are up:
switch# show ubt users up zone zone1 ===================================================================== Displaying UBT Users of Zone: zone1 having Tunnel Status UP ===================================================================== Downloaded user roles are preceded by * Port Mac Address Tunnel Status Secondary UserRole Failure Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/25 00:00:00:11:12:03 activated authenticated ---/---
Showing information for the user with MAC address
switch# show ubt users mac 00:00:00:11:12:03 Displaying UBT User of Zone: zone1 having MAC-Address: 00:00:00:11:12:03 Downloaded user roles are preceded by * Port Mac Address Tunnel Status Secondary UserRole Failure Reason -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/25 00:00:00:11:12:03 activated authenticated ---/---