show ubt


show ubt [brief]

show ubt zone <ZONE-NAME> [brief]


Shows global configuration information for UBT in addition to detailed or brief information for a specific UBT zone.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)


zone <ZONE-NAME>

Specifies the name of a zone. Length: 1 to 64 characters.


Displays brief information.


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


Showing global UBT configuration information where local-VLAN mode has been configured:

switch# show ubt

Zone Name                 : zone1
UBT Mode                  : local-vlan
Primary Controller        :
Backup Controller         :
SAC HeartBeat Interval    : 1
UAC KeepAlive Interval    : 60
Reserved VLAN Identifier  : 4094
VRF Name                  : default
Admin State               : ENABLED
PAPI Security Key         : AQBapdxySvGPvdTlkYn1/naKX4O3jKHrm28xLYfO6mLOK499BwAAAHdJp/bL4FE=

Showing global UBT configuration information where VLAN-extend mode has been configured:

switch# show ubt

Zone Name                 : zone1
UBT Mode                  : vlan-extend
Primary Controller        :
Backup Controller         :
SAC HeartBeat Interval    : 1
UAC KeepAlive Interval    : 60
Reserved VLAN Identifier  : -NA-
VRF Name                  : default
Admin State               : ENABLED
PAPI Security Key         : AQBapdxySvGPvdTlkYn1/naKX4O3jKHrm28xLYfO6mLOK499BwAAAHdJp/bL4FE=

Showing brief global UBT configuration information where local-VLAN mode has been configured:

switch# show ubt brief
Zone Name    UBT Mode               Primary Controller Address    VRF Name     Status
zone1        local-vlan                     default      Enabled

Showing brief global UBT configuration information where VLAN-extend mode has been configured:

switch# show ubt brief
Zone Name    UBT Mode               Primary Controller Address    VRF Name     Status
zone1        vlan-extend                    default      Enabled

Showing brief configuration for UBT zone1 where local-VLAN mode has been configured:

switch# show ubt zone zone1 brief
Zone Name    UBT Mode               Primary Controller Address    VRF Name     Status
zone3        local-vlan                     default      Enabled

Showing brief configuration for UBT zone1 where VLAN-extend mode has been configured:

switch# show ubt zone zone1 brief
Zone Name    UBT Mode               Primary Controller Address    VRF Name     Status
zone1        vlan-extend                    default      Enabled