<REMOTE-URL> {running-config | startup-config}
copy <REMOTE-URL> {running-config | startup-config } [vrf <VRF-NAME>]
Copies a remote file containing a switch configuration to the running configuration or to the startup configuration.
Command context
Manager (#
Specifies a remote file with the following syntax:
{tftp | sftp}://<IP-ADDRESS>[:<PORT-NUMBER>][;blocksize=<BLOCKSIZE-VALUE>]/<FILE-NAME>
{running-config | startup-config}
Selects whether the running configuration or the startup configuration receives the copied checkpoint configuration. If the startup configuration is already present, the command overwrites the startup configuration.
vrf <VRF-NAME>
Specifies the name of a VRF. Default: default.
Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.
The switch copies only certain file types. The format of the file is automatically detected from contents of the file. The
option only supports the JSON file format and checkpoints, but the
option supports the JSON and CLI file formats and checkpoints.
When a file of the CLI format is copied, it overwrites the running configuration. The CLI command does not clear the running configuration before applying the CLI commands. All of the CLI commands in the file are applied line-by-line. If a particular CLI command fails, the switch logs the failure and it continues to the next line in the CLI configuration. The event log (show events -d hpe-config
) provides information as to which command failed.
Copying a JSON format file to the running configuration:
switch# copy tftp:// running-config ######################################################################### 100.0% Configuration may take several minutes to complete according to configuration file size --0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%-- Success
Copying a CLI format file to the running configuration with an error in the file:
switch# copy tftp:// running-config ######################################################################### 100.0% Configuration may take several minutes to complete according to configuration file size --0%----10%----20%----30%----40%----50%----60%----70%----80%----90%----100%-- Some of the configuration lines from the file were NOT applied. Use 'show events -d hpe-config' for more info.
Copying a CLI format file to the startup configuration:
switch# copy tftp:// startup-config ######################################################################### 100.0% 100.0% Success
Copying an unsupported file format to the startup configuration:
switch# copy tftp:// startup-config ######################################################################### 100.0% 100.0% unsupported file format