show dhcp-relay


show dhcp-relay [vsx-peer]


Shows DHCP relay configuration settings.

Command context

Manager (#)


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.



Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed. This parameter is available on switches that support VSX.


switch# show dhcp-relay

DHCP Relay Agent                 : Enabled
 DHCP Request Hop Count Increment : Enabled
 L2VPN Clients                    : Disabled
 Option 82                        : Disabled
 Source-Interface                 : Disabled
 Response Validation              : Disabled
 Option 82 Handle Policy          : replace
 Remote ID                        : mac

 DHCP Relay Statistics:

  Valid Requests Dropped Requests Valid Responses Dropped Responses
  -------------- ---------------- --------------- -----------------
  60             10               60              10

 DHCP Relay Option 82 Statistics:

  Valid Requests Dropped Requests Valid Responses Dropped Responses
  -------------- ---------------- --------------- -----------------
  50             8                50              8