

queue <QUEUE-NUMBER> action ecn all threshold  <AMOUNT> kbytes

no queue <QUEUE-NUMBER> action ecn all threshold  <AMOUNT> kbytes 


Defines the threshold value and action for a queue in a threshold-profile. When queue utilization exceeds the threshold value, ECT (ECN-Capable Transport) packets will be CE (Congestion Encountered) marked when transmitted.

The no form of this command removes the settings for a queue.

Command context




Specifies the queue number. Range: 0 to 7.

action ecn

Apply ECN when the threshold is exceeded.


Applies the action to all colors. Colors are reserved for future use.

threshold <AMOUNT> kbytes

Specifies the threshold value in kbytes from 0 to 1700.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


Assigning a threshold of 40 kilobytes to queue 7 in profile mythreshold:

switch(config)# qos threshold-profile mythreshold
switch(config-threshold)# queue 7 action ecn all threshold 40 kbytes

Removing a threshold of 40 kilobytes from queue 7 in profile mythreshold:

switch(config)# qos threshold-profile mythreshold
switch(config-threshold)# no queue 7