qos cos-map
qos cos-map <CODE-POINT> local-priority <PRIORITY-NUMBER> [color <COLOR>] [name <DESCRIPTION>]
no qos cos-map <CODE-POINT>
Defines the local priority assigned to incoming packets for a specific 802.1 VLAN priority code point (CoS) value. The CoS map values are used to mark incoming packets when QoS trust mode is set to cos. In trust none mode, CoS map entry 0 is used to set the port default local priority and color.
To see the default CoS map settings, use the following command:
switch# show qos cos-map default code_point local_priority color name ---------- -------------- ------- ---- 0 1 green Best_Effort 1 0 green Background 2 2 green Excellent_Effort 3 3 green Critical_Applications 4 4 green Video 5 5 green Voice 6 6 green Internetwork_Control 7 7 green Network_Control
form of this command restores the assignments for a CoS map value to the default setting.
Command context
Specifies an 802.1 VLAN priority CoS value. Range: 0 to 7. Default 0.
local-priority <PRIORITY-NUMBER>
Specifies a local priority value to associate with the
value. Range: 0 to 7. Default: 0.color <COLOR>
Reserved for future use.
Specifies a description for the CoS setting. The name is for identification only, and has no effect on queue configuration. Range: 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters, including period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).
Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.
Mapping CoS value 1 to a local priority of 2:
switch(config)# qos cos-map 1 local-priority 2
Mapping CoS value 1 to the default local priority value:
switch(config)# no qos cos-map 1