show qos threshold-profile
show qos threshold-profile [<NAME> [vsx-peer]
Shows the status of all threshold profiles, or a specific threshold profile.
Command context
Operator (>) or Manager (#)
Specifies the name of a threshold profile. Range: 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters, including period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).
Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed. This parameter is available on switches that support VSX.
Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.
Status field values are:applied : The threshold profile is applied to all configured ports.
partially applied: The threshold profile is applied to some configured ports but failed on other configured ports.
not applied : The threshold profile could not be applied to any configured ports.
blank field: The threshold profile is not applied in the configuration (globally or as a port override).
Error: Insufficient TCAM Resources: The switch hardware failed to activate a threshold profile.
Showing the status of threshold profile mythreshold:
switch# show qos threshold-profile mythreshold queue_num action Threshold --------- ------- --------- 5 ecn 40 7 ecn 50 Ports Status --------- -------------------- 1/1/1 applied 1/1/8 applied
Showing the status of threshold profile CustomThresh that failed to be activated by the switch hardware:
switch(config-if)# apply qos threhold-profile CustomThresh
switch(config-if)# show qos threshold-profile CustomThresh
queue_num action Threshold
--------- ------- ---------
5 ecn 40
7 ecn 50
Ports Status
--------- --------------------
1/2/2 Error: Insufficient TCAM Resources