Monitoring queue operation

Use the show interface queues command to display the traffic transmitted per queue, and the number of packets dropped due to the queue being full.. For example:
switch# show interface 1/1/5 queues
Interface 1/1/5 is up
 Admin state is up
               Tx Bytes      Tx Packets     Tx Drops     Tx Byte Depth
 Q0        157113373520      1890863919            0              1362
 Q1        233312143017      2808451320           18             65550
 Q2        156814056423      1887257650            0              1392
 Q3        157441358980      1894815504            0              1374
 Q4        157700809294      1897941370            0              1362
 Q5        157872849381      1900014146            0              1392
 Q6        183486049854      2208268429            0              4398
 Q7        231607534141      2787913734            0             65544
  • Tx Bytes: Total bytes transmitted. The byte count may include packet headers and internal metadata that are removed before the packet is transmitted. Packet headers added when the packet is transmitted may not be included.
  • Tx Packets: Total packets transmitted.
  • Tx Drops: The number of packets dropped by a queue before it was sent. When traffic cannot be forwarded out an egress interface, it backs up at ingress. The more servicing assigned to a queue by a schedule profile, the less likely traffic destined for that queue will back up and be dropped. Tx Drops shows the sum of packets that were dropped across all line modules (due to insufficient capacity) by the ingress Virtual Output Queues (VOQs) destined for the egress port. As the counts are read separately from each line module, the sum is not an instantaneous snapshot.
  • Tx Byte Depth: Largest byte depth (or high watermark) found on any ingress line module Virtual Output Queue (VOQ) destined for the egress port.