Configuring IPv6 RA
- Enable transmission of IPv6 router advertisements with the command no ipv6 nd suppress-ra.
- Optionally, configure IPv6 unicast address prefixes with the command ipv6 nd prefix.
- Optionally, configure support for DNS name resolution with the commands ipv6 nd ra dns server and ipv6 nd ra dns search-list.
- For most deployments, the default values for the following features do not need to be changed. If your deployment requires different settings, change the default values with the indicated command:
IPv6 RA setting
Default value
Command to change it
Number of neighbor solicitations to be sent when performing DAD.
ipv6 nd dad attempts
Number of neighbor entries in the ND cache.
ipv6 nd cache-limit
Hop limit to be sent in the RA messages.
ipv6 nd hop-limit
MTU value to be sent in the RA messages.
1500 bytes
ipv6 nd mtu
Neighbor solicitation interval
1000 milliseconds
ipv6 nd ns-interval
Lifetime of a default router.
1800 seconds
ipv6 nd ra lifetime
Retrieval of an IPv6 address by devices.
ipv6 nd ra managed-config-flag
Maximum interval between transmissions of IPv6 RAs.
600 seconds
ipv6 nd ra max-interval
Minimum interval between transmissions of IPv6 RAs.
200 seconds
ipv6 nd ra min-interval
Time that an interface considers a device to be reachable.
0 milliseconds (no limit)
ipv6 nd ra reachable-time
Retry period between ND solicitations.
0 (Use locally configured NS-interval)
ipv6 nd ra retrans-timer
Default routing preference for an interface.
ipv6 nd router-preference
- Review IPv6 RA configuration settings with the commands show ipv6 nd interface, show ipv6 nd interface prefix, show ipv6 nd ra dns server, and show ipv6 nd ra dns search-list.
On the 6400 Switch Series, interface identification differs.
This example creates the following configuration:
- Enables IPV6 RA on interface 1/1/3.
- Sets the recursive DNS server address to 4001::1 with a lifetime of 400 seconds.
- Sets the minimum interval between transmissions to 3 seconds.
- Sets the maximum interval between transmissions to 13 seconds.
- Sets the lifetime of a default router to 1900 seconds.