Upgrade Information

Upgrading Restrictions and Guidelines

KB.16.10.0025 uses BootROM KB.16.01.0009 when running on 5400R switches and BootROM KB.16.01.0009 when running on 3810M switches. If your switch has an older version of BootROM, the BootROM will be updated with this version of software.

IMPORTANT: During the software update, the switch will automatically boot twice. The switch will update the primary BootROM, then reboot, and then update the secondary BootROM. After the switch flash memory is updated and the final boot is initiated, no additional user intervention is needed. Do not interrupt power to the switch during this important update.

Firmware downgrade to a version earlier than 16.01 is not allowed if MSTP instances configured are greater than 16; or the max-vlans value is greater than 2048, or this system is part of a VSF stack.

Unconfigure these features before attempting to downgrade from KB.16.01.0004 or later to a version earlier than 16.01 of the firmware.

Firmware downgrade to a version earlier than 16.04 will generate new SSH keys upon switch boot-up. These keys will be different than the ones previously stored in SSH peer's known hosts file and may result in SSH connectivity issues after the OS downgrade completes. You will need to erase the pre-existing switch keys from SSH peer's known hosts file to restore SSH connectivity.

This issue will not be encountered when the option "StrictHostKeyChecking" is disabled in the SSH peer.

For more information regarding clearing SSH keys and changing strict host key checking settings, see the documentation provided with your SSH client.

For information on best practices when updating software or rolling back to previous versions of software, see the "Best practices for software updates" section of the Basic Operation Guide.

Aruba Security Policy

A Security Bulletin is the first published notification of security vulnerabilities and is the only communication vehicle for security vulnerabilities.

  • Fixes for security vulnerabilities are not documented in manuals, release notes, or other forms of product documentation.

  • A Security Bulletin is released when all vulnerable products still in support life have publicly available images that contain the fix for the security vulnerability.

The Aruba security policy can be found at https://www.arubanetworks.com/en-au/support-services/ sirt/. Security bulletins can be found at https://www.arubanetworks.com/en-au/support-services/ security-bulletins/.