
Release Overview

General information about a major release is described in this page. Click on each heading to display the relevant information. For version-specific release notes, select the desired version from the All Versions dropdown menu above.


  • Upgrading from AOS- or earlier versions on 9000 Series and 9200 Series controllers will take longer than usual as we will be automatically upgrading the BIOS version to support additional functionality in the future. This upgrade is estimated to take up to 15 minutes and should not be interrupted for any reason. Power failures and interruptions during the upgrade may make the controller unusable. Please use caution and plan accordingly.

    Cluster Rolling Upgrade is not supported when a BIOS upgrade is required. AOS-8 must be manually upgraded for these controllers. In a (very rare) scenario where, post reload command, the unit does not come up in 15-20 minutes, apply power cycle only once and wait for a minimum of 15 minutes without re-applying power cycle again.

  • As mandated by the Wi-Fi Alliance, AOS- and later versions require Hash-to-Element (H2E) for 6 GHz WPA3-SAE connections. H2E is supported on Android 12 or later versions, Linux wpa_supplicant version 2.10 or later versions, macOS Catalina or later versions, Windows 11 or later versions. Users must upgrade their clients to support successful 6 GHz WPA3-SAE connections.

  • The factory-default image of APs introduced in AOS- or later versions use aruba-conductor as the host name instead of aruba-master to identify a target managed device or stand-alone controller during DNS discovery. However, the factory-default image of APs that were introduced prior to AOS- still use aruba-master during DNS discovery. The usage of aruba-conductor is to align with the Inclusive Language Initiative.