ARM Coverage and Interference Metrics

ARM Adaptive Radio Management. ARM dynamically monitors and adjusts the network to ensure that all users are allowed ready access. It enables full utilization of the available spectrum to support maximum number of users by intelligently choosing the best RF channel and transmit power for APs in their current RF environment. computes coverage and interference metrics for each valid channel, and chooses the best performing channel and transmit power settings for each AP’s RF Radio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar signals. environment. Each AP gathers other metrics on their ARM Adaptive Radio Management. ARM dynamically monitors and adjusts the network to ensure that all users are allowed ready access. It enables full utilization of the available spectrum to support maximum number of users by intelligently choosing the best RF channel and transmit power for APs in their current RF environment. -assigned channel to provide a snapshot of the current RF Radio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar signals. health state.

The information described below appears in the output of the show ap arm rf-summary command.

The following two metrics help the AP decide which channel and transmit power setting is best:

The following enhancements are introduced in ArubaOS to resolve issues that occur with the distributed channel/power algorithm: