
Navigate to Dashboard > Traffic Analysis and click HOSTS icon. The Hosts page displays the summary of all the active hosts in the managed device. See Figure 1 for HOSTS page.

Figure 1  Hosts Page

Action Bar

The Action bar displays the total number of hosts depending on the filters applied. The Action bar includes action buttons namely, Show/Hide table filters, and Customize columns.

You can perform the following tasks on this page:

  • Show/Hide table filters — Click Show/Hide table filters icon to filter and list the clients in the table that you want to view.
  • Customize columns — Click Customize columns icon to select the table columns that you want to view.


Expand the host from the Hosts table to view the detailed information of individual host. See Figure 2 for Details page.

The host table displays the following details:

  • APPLICATIONS — Displays five applications with highest usage, in decreasing order. Click the horizontal bar or hyperlinked number to navigate to the Applications table and view the details of the applications used by the selected host.
  • DESTINATIONS — Displays five destinations with highest usage, in decreasing order. Click the horizontal bar or hyperlinked number to navigate to the Destinations table and view the details of the destinations used by the selected host.

Figure 2  Details Page