ArubaOS Help Center
The AirGroup servers, AirGroup clients, and UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities.. See Figure 1 for page.
provides the summary ofThe
dashboard contains the following windows:- AirGroup servers in the network. This is the default page. For more information, see AirGroup Servers.
You can view the following information using the
drop-down list.- AirGroup servers that offer the selected services. — Displays five services advertised by the servers, in decreasing order. Click the horizontal bar or hyperlinked number to navigate to the table and view the details of the
- AirGroup servers with highest throughput (bps), in decreasing order. Click the horizontal bar or hyperlinked number to navigate to the AirGroup server table and view the details of the servers currently advertising AirGroup services. — Displays five
option from the drop-down list is displayed only if an AppRF license is installed and
—This window displays the summary of all the - AirGroup clients in the network. This is the default page. For more information, see AirGroup Clients.
You can view the following information using the
drop-down list.- AirGroup clients that sends the most mDSN and DLNA Digital Living Network Alliance. DLNA is a set of interoperability guidelines for sharing digital media among multimedia devices. control packets, in decreasing order. Click the horizontal bar or hyperlinked number to navigate to the AirGroup clients table and view the details of the mDSN and DLNA Digital Living Network Alliance. DLNA is a set of interoperability guidelines for sharing digital media among multimedia devices. control packets. — Displays five
- AirGroup servers with highest throughput (bps), in decreasing order. Click the horizontal bar or hyperlinked number to navigate to the AirGroup clients table and view the details of the selected clients. — Displays five
option from the drop-down list is displayed only if an AppRF license is installed and
—This window displays the summary of all the - managed devices. The number of external calls made is displayed in the bottom right corner of the window. This is the default page. For more information, see UCC.
You can view the following information using the
and drop-down list.- managed device. Click the donut chart area or hyperlinked number to navigate to the table and view the details of the wireless only or end-to-end calls in the managed device. — Displays the call quality of the wireless calls. The call quality is categorized as Good, Fair, Poor, or Unknown. Select or from drop-down list to display the call quality of wireless only or end-to-end calls in the
icon in the top right corner of the window to display the number of active calls in the last 15 minutes.- VoIP Voice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network. call quality and the VoIP Voice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network. client health of every Unified Communication and Collaboration (UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities.) call. Select or from drop-down list to display the co-relation between the VoIP Voice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network. call quality and the VoIP Voice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network. client health for wireless only or end-to-end calls. Click the dot on the plot chart to navigate to the table and view the details of the wireless only or end-to-end calls in the managed device. Displays the co-relation between the
- — Displays five access point groups with most number of calls. Click the horizontal bar to navigate to the table and view the details of the selected wireless call.
- — Displays the number of clients that are running each type of operating systems. Click the OS area in the donut chart or hyperlinked number to navigate to the table and view the details of the wireless calls and the operating system type.
- — Displays the number of wireless calls and the type of application protocol. Click the application protocol area in the donut chart or hyperlinked number to navigate to the table and view the details of the wireless calls and the application protocol type.
— This window displays the summary of all the wireless calls made in the