Support for Input-Filter on BLE Devices

When IoT Internet of Things. IoT refers to the internetworking of devices that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity features allowing data exchange over the Internet. transport profiles are configured, BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption.-devices are filtered based on the IoT Internet of Things. IoT refers to the internetworking of devices that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity features allowing data exchange over the Internet. transport profiles which may include device class, UUID, or vendor filters. Only BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. devices that should be reported are stored in the BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption.-table and data loss is avoided.

The following command enables the entry filter:

(host) [mynode] #ap ble-init-action ap-name <ap-name> input-filter-enable

The following command disables the entry filter:

(host) [mynode] #ap ble-init-action ap-name <ap-name> input-filter-disable

To view the latest filtered BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption.-device, issue the following command:

(host) [mynode] #show ap debug ble-input-filter-stats ap-name <ap-name>