Managing Files on Managed Device

  • You can transfer the following types of files between the managed device and an external server or host:
  • ArubaOS image file
  • A specified file in the flash file system of the managed device or a compressed archive file that contains the entire content of the flash file system.

You back up the entire content of the flash file system to a compressed archive file, which you can then copy from the flash system to another destination.

  • Configuration file, either the active running configuration or a startup configuration.
  • Log files.
  • Information about the Mobility Master or managed device for technical support.

You can use the following protocols to copy files to or from a managed device:

You can use SCP Secure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network. only for transferring image files to or from the managed device, or transferring files between the flash file system on the managed device and a remote host. The SCP Secure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network. server or remote host must support SSH Secure Shell. SSH is a network protocol that provides secure access to a remote device. version 2 protocol.

The following table lists the parameters that you configure to copy files to or from a managed device.

Table 1: File Transfer Configuration Parameters

Server Type


Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

tftphost - tftp host IPv4 or IPv6 address

filename - absolute path of filename 

flash: - copy to the flash file system

destination: - destination file name

system: - system partition

partition - partition 0 or partition 1

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

ftphost - ftp server host name or IPv4 or IPv6 address

username - user name to log into server

filename -  absolute path of filename

system: - system partition

partition - partition 0 or partition 1

Secure Copy (SCP)

You must use the CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. to transfer files with SCP Secure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network.

scphost - scp host of IPv4 or IPv6 address

username - user name to secure to log into the server

filename - absolute path of filename (otherwise, SCP Secure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network. searches for the file relative to the home directory of the user)

flash: - copy to the flash file system

destfilename: - destination file name

system: - system partition

partition - partition 0 or partition 1

For example, you can copy an ArubaOS image file from an SCP Secure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network. server to a system partition on a managed device or copy the startup configuration on a managed device to a file on a TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol. The TFTP is a software utility for transferring files from or to a remote host. server, You can also store the contents of the flash file system of the managed device to an archive file which you can then copy to an FTP File Transfer Protocol. A standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and server on a computer network. server. You can use SCP Secure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network. to securely download system image files from a remote host to the managed device or securely transfer a configuration file from flash to a remote host.

This section describes the following topics: