Scheduling Upgrade of Clusters

The following procedure describes how to schedule the upgrade of multiple clusters.

  1. In the Managed Network node hierarchy, navigate to Maintenance > Software Management.
  2. Select one or multiple clusters from the table. The table only lists the clusters and not the cluster members. The table lists the following columns:

Table 1: Schedule Upgrade of Multiple Clusters




Specifies the name of the cluster. The number displayed next to the cluster name, as a link, indicates the total number of cluster members. Hovering on the link opens a pop-up which lists the names of the cluster members.


Specifies the ArubaOS release version (release number followed by build number) that is already installed on the cluster.

If cluster members run different versions of ArubaOS, this column displays the ArubaOS version that is installed on the cluster leader as a link. Hovering on the link opens a pop-up, which lists of names of the cluster members and corresponding ArubaOS release version.

If an upgrade is in progress, this column displays the Installation in progress link. Hovering on the link opens a pop-up, which lists:

  • Additional information of the upgrade through the Show details link.
  • The time (in most significant non-zero units) when the upgrade was initiated.

If an upgrade was initiated within the last 7 days, this column displays an upgrade status icon next to the value of the current version. Hovering on the upgrade status icon opens a pop-up, which lists:

  • Additional information of the upgrade through the Show details link.
  • The time (in most significant non-zero units) when the upgrade succeeded or failed.

If an upgrade is scheduled, this column displays an upgrade schedule clock instead of the upgrade status icon next to the value of the current version. Hovering on the upgrade schedule clock opens a pop-up, which lists:

  • The ArubaOS release version and scheduled date and time.
  • An option to reschedule the date and time.
  • An option to cancel the scheduled upgrade.


Specifies the total number of access points that are configured on the cluster.


Specifies the parent group of the cluster.

  1. In the INSTALLATION SETTINGS > When menu:
    • To upgrade the selected clusters immediately, select Now.
    • To schedule the upgrade of the selected clusters at a later date and time, select Later. Use the date and time picker to schedule the date and time. If the upgrade is scheduled to occur at a later date and time, a Pending changes will automatically be deployed on managed controllers when the software installation will start message is displayed.
  • You can specify any date and time from the current date and time until the next 30 days.
  • The upgrade occurs at the scheduled local time of the cluster leader and not at the local time of the Mobility Master.
  1. In the Specify image file location, name and protocol to use for transfer > Server IP address menu, specify the hostname, IPv4, or IPv6 address of the file server that hosts the ArubaOS image.
  2. In the Specify image file location, name and protocol to use for transfer > Image path menu, specify the path of the ArubaOS image on the file server that hosts the image. You may use the . wildcard character to specify the default path.
  3. In the Specify image file location, name and protocol to use for transfer > Protocol menu, select the protocol to transfer the ArubaOS image from the file server to the selected clusters.

Table 2: Protocol to Transfer ArubaOS Image




Uses the FTP File Transfer Protocol. A standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and server on a computer network. protocol to transfer the ArubaOS image from the file server to the selected clusters. If you choose the FTP File Transfer Protocol. A standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and server on a computer network. protocol, specify the username and password to log in to the FTP File Transfer Protocol. A standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and server on a computer network. server.


Uses the SCP Secure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network. protocol to transfer the ArubaOS image from the file server to the selected clusters. If you choose the SCP Secure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network. protocol, specify the username and password to log in to the SCP Secure Copy Protocol. SCP is a network protocol that supports file transfers between hosts on a network. server.


Uses the TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol. The TFTP is a software utility for transferring files from or to a remote host. protocol to transfer the ArubaOS image from the file server to the selected clusters.

  1. In the Specify image file location, name and protocol to use for transfer > Software to install menu, specify the software release number of the ArubaOS image in release number-build number format.
  2. In the Specify image file location, name and protocol to use for transfer > Partition menu, select the partition of cluster members where the ArubaOS image should be installed.

Table 3: Partition of Managed Device




Upgrades the default boot partition of the selected managed devices.

partition 0

Upgrades partition 0 of the selected managed devices.

partition 1

Upgrades partition 1 of the selected managed devices.

  1. Click Install. A Install Confirmation pop-up displays the Network performance will be temporary impacted during software installation Do you want to install software now? message.
  2. In the Install Confirmation pop-up, click Install.

To schedule the upgrade of a cluster using the CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions., see :

(host) [mynode] #lc-cluster <cluster_prof> schedule upgrade <version> <year> <month> <day> <hh> <mm> <ss>upgrade managed-devices copy configured-fileserver version all schedule 2018 12 25 12 30 00

To reschedule the scheduled upgrade of a cluster using the CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.:

(host) [mynode] #lc-cluster v4 re-schedule upgrade <version> <year> <month> <day> <hh>

To cancel the scheduled upgrade of a cluster using the CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.:

(host) [mynode] #lc-cluster <cluster_prof> abort scheduled-upgrade

Viewing Status of Scheduled Upgrade of Multiple Clusters

A scheduled upgrade icon in the banner indicates that one or more clusters are scheduled for upgrade. Hovering over the scheduled upgrade icon opens a pop-up which lists the number of clusters that are scheduled for upgrade. Click the number in the pop-up to open the Managed Network node hierarchy table. The Managed Network node hierarchy table is filtered to list only the clusters that are scheduled for upgrade.

If the upgrade of clusters is in progress, a controller upgrade icon replaces the scheduled upgrade icon. Hovering over the controller upgrade icon opens a pop-up, which lists the number of clusters that are currently under upgrade. Click the number in the pop-up to open the Managed Network node hierarchy table. The Managed Network node hierarchy table is filtered to list only the clusters that are currently under upgrade.

Click Show details in the controller upgrade in progress pop-up to view the upgrade status of the cluster members and their access points or all access points in the cluster. The upgrade status of cluster members is displayed as a table. The table view lists the following columns:

Table 4: Upgrade Status of Multiple Clusters




Specifies the name of the cluster member.


Specifies the IP address of the cluster member.


Specifies the MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.  address of the cluster member.


Specifies the status of upgrade (pending, installation successful, or reboot in progress) of the cluster member.

When a cluster member is selected in the table, the upgrade status of the access points connected to that cluster member is displayed as a horizontal bar chart and can be switched to table view. The table view lists the following columns:

Table 5: Upgrade Status of Access Points in Cluster




Specifies the name of the access point.


Specifies the IP address of the access point.


Specifies the MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.  address of the access point.


Specifies the AP group of the access point.


Specifies the name of the cluster member to which the access point is connected.


Specifies the status of upgrade (pending, installation successful, or reboot in progress) of the access point.

When a cluster member is not selected in the table, the upgrade status of all access points in the cluster is displayed as a horizontal bar chart and can be switched to table view.