Getting Started
Before getting started, note the prerequisites listed below and develop a basic understanding of the interface used and the Mobility Master.
commands used to login and logout of aPrerequisites
Complete understanding of the configuration hierarchy.
Knowledge of the CLIs is required for the first time as all objects are based on the equivalent CLIs.
Complete documentation of various containers and objects that are supported in Mobility Master running ArubaOS is available— The URL Uniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet. of this document is https://<MM-IP>:4343/api.
The user can run API Application Programming Interface. Refers to a set of functions, procedures, protocols, and tools that enable users to build application software. page on the Mobility Master or can run equivalent command from any machine supporting commands. commands in the document are examples to run the query.
or commands fromInterface
The interface used to access the configuration elements on Mobility Master is . HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTPS is a variant of the HTTP that adds a layer of security on the data in transit through a secure socket layer or transport layer security protocol connection. is used because it provides transport layer security, and hence the passwords and other secret information can be sent over in plain text without worrying about anyone interfering. The same interface is used for all managed devices irrespective of it being a hardware-based or Virtual Machine (VM Virtual Machine. A VM is an emulation of a computer system. VMs are based on computer architectures and provide functionality of a physical computer.) based platform. Also, the managed device's role does not change this interface. So, the same interface works for Mobility Master, managed device, and stand-alone controller.
To access any configuration element -- whether it is Mobility Master.
or on the object, the user first has to login to theThe following is a sample Mobility Master:
command used by the user to log in to thecurl --insecure -c "aruba-cookie" -d "username=<username>&password=<password>" https://<controller-ip>:4343/v1/api/login
The Mobility Master cannot be validated. option can be used with the curl command if the certificate of the |
The following table shows the parameters used in the login command:
Parameters |
Description |
Username of the user. |
Password of the user. |
IPv4 address of the Mobility Master. |
The following is an example response for a failed login:
{"_global_result": {"status":"1", "status_str": "Unauthorized request, authentication failed"}}
The following is an example response for a successful login:
{"_global_result": {"status":"0", "status_str": "You've logged in successfully.", "UIDARUBA":"NGIwNzM5YWItYjY5ZS00ZjgwLWFlNDYtZDcz", "X-CSRFToken":"MjEwNmFkZGMtNTQzNy00OGFkLTlhYTEtMjFi"}}
token has to be used in all or queries after the login.Once logged in, the user can run
and requests on containers or objects.
Starting from ArubaOS, is deprecated. The will be used in the header. The is still available for backward compatibility with older ArubaOS firmware versions. |
To close all the interactions, you need to logout from the Mobility Master.
The following is a sample Mobility Master:
command used by the user to log out of thecurl -c "aruba-cookie" https://<controller-ip>:4343/v1/api/logout
The Mobility Master cannot be validated. option can be used with the curl command if the certificate of the |
The following table shows the parameters used in the logout command:
Parameters |
Description |
IPv4 address of the Mobility Master. |
The following is an example response for a successful logout:
{"_global_result": {"status":"0", "status_str": "You've been logged out successfully.", "UIDARUBA":"(null)", "X-CSRF-Token":"(null)"}}
Once logged out, no GET GET refers HTTP request method or an SNMP operation method. The GET HTTP request method submits data to be processed to a specified resource. The GET SNMP operation method obtains information from the Management Information Base (MIB). or POST Power On Self Test. An HTTP request method that requests data from a specified resource. requests can be run on the Mobility Master.