ap system-profile

ap system-profile <profile-name>

aeroscout-rtls-server ip-or-dns <ipaddr-or-dns> port <port> include-unassoc-sta {disable|enable}

airmatch-measure-duration <airmatch-measure-duration>


airmatch-report-period <airmatch-report-period>

am-scan-rf-band {a | all | g}


ap-console-password <ap-console-password>



ap-poe-mode {failover | shared}

ap-usb-power-mode {auto | enable | disable}

bkup-band {a | all | g}

bkup-lms-ip <ipaddr>

bkup-lms-ipv6 <ipaddr>

bkup-mode {static | dynamic | off}

bkup-passwords <password>

ble-op-mode {Beaconing | Disabled | DynamicConsole | PersistentConsole}

bootstrap-threshold <number>


clone {default | <source>}





dns-domain <domain>


driver-log-level <severity-level>

dscp-to-dot1p-priority-mapping <dscp-to-dot1p-priority-mapping>

dual-5ghz-mode {automatic | disabled | enabled}

dump-server <dump-server>

dump-collection-profile {default | profile-name}

flex-radio-mode {2.4GHz|2.4GHz-and-5GHz|5GHz}

flex-dual {2.4GHz-and-6GHz|5GHz-and-2.4GHz|5GHz-and-6GHz}

flex-dual-mode {2.4GHz-and-6GHz|5GHz-and-2.4GHz|5GHz-and-6GHz|Automatic}



health-check [burst size <burst-size> | frequency <frequency> | mode <mode> | packet-size <packet-size>| report <report>| retries <retries>}


heartbeat-dscp <heartbeat-dscp>

heartbeat-interval <heartbeat-interval>

image-url <image-url>


ipm-power-reduction-step-prio {all | ipm-step {cpu_throttle_25 | cpu_throttle_50 | cpu_throttle_75 | disable_alt_eth | disable_pse | disable_usb | radio_2ghz_chain_1x1 | radio_2ghz_chain_2x2 | radio_2ghz_chain_3x3 | radio_2ghz_power_3dB | radio_2ghz_power_6dB | radio_2ghz_disable | radio_5ghz_chain_1x1 | radio_5ghz_chain_2x2 | radio_5ghz_chain_3x3 | radio_5ghz_power_3dB | radio_5ghz_power_6dB | radio_5ghz_disable | radio_5ghz_2_chain_1x1 | radio_5ghz_2_chain_2x2 | radio_5ghz_2_chain_3x3 | radio_5ghz_2_power_3dB | radio_5ghz_2_power_6dB | radio_5ghz_2_disable | radio_6ghz_chain_1x1 | radio_6ghz_chain_2x2 | radio_6ghz_chain_3x3 | radio_6ghz_disable | radio_6ghz_power_3dB | radio_6ghz_power_6dB } priority <priority>}

(For versions prior to AOS

ipm-power-reduction-step-prio {all | ipm-step {cpu_throttle_25 | cpu_throttle_50 | cpu_throttle_75 | disable_alt_eth | disable_pse1 | disable_pse2 | disable_usb | radio_1_chain_1x1 | radio_1_chain_2x2 | radio_1_chain_3x3 | radio_1_power_3dB | radio_1_power_6dB | radio_1_disable | radio_0_chain_1x1 | radio_0_chain_2x2 | radio_0_chain_3x3 | radio_0_chain_4x4 | radio_0_chain_5x5 | radio_0_chain_6x6 | radio_0_chain_7x7 | radio_0_power_3dB | radio_0_power_6dB | radio_0_disable | radio_2_chain_1x1 | radio_2_chain_2x2 | radio_2_chain_3x3 | radio_2_power_3dB | radio_2_power_6dB | radio_2_disable | radio_2_chain_1x1 | radio_2_chain_2x2 | radio_2_chain_3x3 | radio_2_disable | radio_2_power_3dB | radio_2_power_6dB } priority <priority>} (AOS or later versions)


led-mode {normal | off}


lms-hold-down-period <lms-hold-down-period>

lms-ip <lms-ip>

lms-ipv6 <lms-ipv6>

lms-ping-interval <lms-ping-interval>



max-request-retries <max-request-retries>


mcast-aggr-allowed-vlan <vlan-list>

mgmt-dscp <mgmt-dscp>

mtu <mtu>

native-vlan-id <native-vlan-id>


number_ipsec_retries <number_ipsec_retries>


rap-bw-resv-1 acl <aclname> <bw-value> [priority <priority>]

rap-bw-resv-2 acl <acl-name> <bw-value> [priority <priority>]

rap-bw-resv-3 acl <acl-name> <bw-value> [priority <priority>]

rap-bw-total <rap-bw-total>

rap-corp-dns-server <ipv4 address>

rap-corp-dns-server_ ipv6 <ipv6 address>

rap-dhcp-default-router <rap-dhcp-default-router>

rap-dhcp-dns-server <rap-dhcp-dns-server>

rap-dhcp-lease <rap-dhcp-lease>

rap-dhcp-pool-end <rap-dhcp-pool-end>

rap-dhcp-pool-netmask <rap-dhcp-pool-netmask>

rap-dhcp-pool-start <rap-dhcp-pool-start>

rap-dhcp-server-id <rap-dhcp-server-id>

rap-dhcp-server-vlan <rap-dhcp-server-vlan>

rap-gre-mtu <rap-gre-mtu>


recovery-mode {auto | legacy}

request-retry-interval <request-retry-interval>

rf-band <a | g>

rtls-server ip-or-dns <ip-or-dns> port <port> key <key> station-message-frequency <seconds> [include-unassoc-sta {enable | disable}]



secondary-master/secondary-conductor <secondary-master>/<secondary-conductor>







session-acl <session-acl>




syscontact <syscontact>



wired-poe-bounce-interval <wired-poe-bounce-interval>

wired-port-bounce-interval <wired-port-bounce-interval>


This command configures an AP system profile. The AP system profile configures AP administrative operations, such as AirMatch and AP health check options and logging levels.

By default, each AP in a Mobility Controller deployment measures its RF environment for a 5-minute duration, every 30 minutes. The Mobility Controller uses this information to compute an optimal solution, then deploys the latest RF plan by sending updated settings to the APs. Use the airmatch settings in the AP system profile to modify these default report intervals, or to disable or re-enable AirMatch reports to the APs.

The AP Health check feature configured via the health-check parameters uses ping probes to check reachability and latency levels for the connection between the AP and the managed devices. Recorded latency information appears in the output of the show ap ip health-check command. If the managed device IP address becomes unreachable from the AP uplink, this feature records the time that the connection failed, and saves that information in a log file (tmp or ap_hcm_log) on the AP.

Starting from AOS, the no ipm-power-reduction-step-prio ipm-step <ipm-step> priority <priority number> sub-command for the ap system-profile <profile> command set is simplified. If you want to remove one step or priority, you only need to specify the step and not the priority. For example: no ipm-power-reduction-step-prio ipm-step <ipm-step>.



ap system-profile <profile>

Configures AP system profile. Give a name for this instance of the profile. The name must be 1–63 characters long.


Enables the AP to send RFID tag information to an AeroScout RTLS server.

RTLS station reporting includes information for APs and the clients that the AP has detected.

ip-or-dns <ip-or-dns>

IPv4/IPv6 address or the DNS of the AeroScout server to which location reports are sent.

port <port>

Port number on the AeroScout server to which location reports are sent.


If you select the include-unassoc-sta enable option, the station reports will also include information about clients not associated to any AP. By default, unassociated clients are not included in station reports.

Default: disabled

airmatch-measure-duration <airmatch-measure-duration>

Change the AirMatch RF measurement duration from the default value of 5 minutes to any value in the range 5–60 minutes. A value of 0 disables AirMatch RF environment measurements.

Range: 5-60

Default: 5


Each AP in a Mobility Controller deployment measures its RF environment for a duration specified by airmatch-measure-duration, every 30 minutes by default. Mobility Controller uses this information to compute an optimal solution.

Default: enabled

airmatch-report-period <airmatch-report-period>

Change the frequency period which AirMatch starts measuring the RF environment.

Range: 5–180 minutes.

Default: 30


Scanning band for multiple RF radios.

Range: a, g, all

Default: all


Sets the scanning band to 802.11a only.


Sets the scanning band to 802.11g only.


Sets the scanning band to apply to all bands.


Drop ARP packets coming from wired or wireless clients with AP gateway IP address. In other words, disallow ARP attack from untrusted ports.

Default: enabled

ap-console-password <ap-console-password>

Set the AP console password on the managed device. If the user does not set any password, the managed device generates a default random password which can be viewed by executing the encrypt disable command followed by the show ap system-profile <profile-name> command.

Range: 6-32


Enable the AP console password.

Default: enabled


Configure hour-of-day for solution deployment for all radios of an AP. Overrides Airmatch profile if a valid hour is specified.

Range: 0-23


{failover | shared}

Configure the required PoE mode on the AP platforms hat support dual PoE mode.

Failover: Enables the source PoE power from either of the Ethernet ports.

Shared: Enables the combined power from both the PoE sources.

ap-usb-power-mode {auto|enable|disable}

Set the USB power mode to control the power to the USB port. Listed below are the power modes:

auto- Detect USB power mode automatically

disable- Disable USB power

enable- Enable USB power

This parameter can be configured only on all access points with USB port.

Default: auto

bkup-band a | all | g

Band on which the Mobility Controller broadcasts the backup ESSID.

Range: a, g, all

Default: all

bkup-lms-ip <bkup-lms-ip>

In multi-controller) networks, specifies the IP address of a backup to the IP address specified with the lms-ip parameter.

bkup-lms-ipv6 <bkup-lms-ipv6>

In multi-controller IPv6 networks, specifies the IPv6 address of a backup to the IPv6 address specified with the lms-ipv6 parameter.


This parameter allows AP console access using a backup ESSID, allowing users to access an AP console after the AP has disconnected from the Mobility Controller. When the AP advertises a backup ESSID in either static or dynamic mode, a user is able to access and debug the AP remotely through a virtual AP.

Select dynamic or static to enable this feature and select the mode by which the Mobility Controller broadcasts the backup ESSID. This feature is disabled by default.

Range: dynamic, off, static

Default: off

bkup-passwords <bkup-passwords>

Allows client access to adjust the band and mode settings for the backup ESSID.


{Beaconing |

Disabled |

DynamicConsole |


Determines how the built-in BLE chip in the AP functions. BLE chip can be in one of the following four modes:

Beaconing: The built-in BLE chip of the AP functions as an iBeacon combined with beacon management functionality.

Disabled: The built-in BLE chip of the AP is turned off. This is the default setting.

DynamicConsole: The built-in chip of the AP functions as a regular iBeacon combined with beacon management functionality. However, when the link to the Mobility Controller is lost, the built-in chip temporarily enables access to the AP console over BLE. This state of the BLE device may be rolled back to any of the other modes if the AP receives a different configuration setting for the ble-op-mode parameter from the new LMS.

PersistentConsole: The built-in chip of the AP provides access to the AP console over BLE using a mobile application. This functionality is the superset of the Beaconing mode.

BLE is disabled on AOS FIPS build.

Default: disabled

ble-token <ble-token>

The BLE endpoint authorization token is a text string of 1–255 characters used by the BLE to authorize to and securely communicate with the BMC. This token is unique for each deployment.

Range: 1-255

ble-url <ble-url>

URL of the Meridian server to which the BLE sends monitoring data.

bootstrap-threshold <bootstrap-threshold>

Configures number of consecutive missed heartbeats on a GRE tunnel (heartbeats are sent once per second on each tunnel) before an AP rebootstraps. On the Mobility Controller, the GRE tunnel timeout is 1.5 x bootstrap-threshold; the tunnel is torn down after this number of seconds of inactivity on the tunnel.

Range: 1-65535

Default: 8


Enables the hardware acceleration of bridge traffic.

clone <source>

Name of an existing AP system profile from which parameter values are copied.


Enables console port on the AP.

Default: enabled


{alerts | critical |
debugging |
emergencies |
errors |
informational |
notifications |

Specifies the level of driver log prints sent to AP console. The description of different log levels are as follows:

emergencies: To send driver log prints when system is unusable

alerts: To send driver log prints when Immediate action is needed

critical: To send driver log prints when critical conditions exist

errors: To send driver log prints when there are error conditions

warnings: To send driver log prints for warning conditions

notifications: To send driver log prints when a normal, but significant condition occurs

informational: To send driver log prints for informational messages

debugging: To send driver log prints for debugging messages

Do not change the console log level without prior supervision from the HPE Aruba Networking Technical Support team.

Default: emergencies


Disables factory reset when the AP is operational.

Default: disabled


Configures semicolon- separated mapping between IP DSCP value and VLAN 802.1p priority.

Format: <DSCP range/list (0-63)>:<802.1p value (0-7)>

Format Example:


dns-domain <dns-domain>

Name of domain that is resolved by corporate DNS servers. Use this parameter when configuring split tunnel.


This parameter applies only to remote APs. Use double encryption for traffic to and from a wireless client that is connected to a tunneled SSID.

When enabled, all traffic is re-encrypted in the IPsec tunnel. When disabled, the wireless frame is only encapsulated inside the IPsec tunnel.

All other types of data traffic between the Mobility Controller and the AP (wired traffic and traffic from a split-tunneled SSID) are always encrypted in the IPsec tunnel.

Default: disabled


{alerts | critical |
debugging | emergencies |
errors | informational |
notifications | warnings}

Configures the level of driver log prints sent to syslog server. The description of different log levels are as follows:

emergencies: To send driver log prints when system is unusable

alerts: To send driver log prints when Immediate action is needed

critical: To send driver log prints when critical conditions exist

errors: To send driver log prints when ther are error conditions

warnings: To send driver log prints for warning conditions

notifications: To send driver log prints when a normal, but significant condition occurs

informational: To send driver log prints for informational messages

debugging: To send driver log prints for debugging messages

Default: warnings



Mode for Dual 5GHz APs:

automatic: Dual 5GHz Mode is enabled or disabled automatically.

disabled: Dual 5GHz mode is disabled.

enabled: both radios operate on 5GHz band.

The dual-5ghz-mode parameter is supported only on 340 Series (AP-344 and AP-345) access points. However, the automatic mode is not supported on AP-344 access points.

For example, if the configuration for dual-5ghz-mode is set to automatic, AP-344 access points do not support a dynamic mode change. Users must manually set dual-5ghz-mode to Enabled if they require AP-344 access points to operate in the dual 5GHz mode. Additionally, users must purchase the required dual 5GHz external antenna.

In a controller-local or a stand-alone controller mode, automatic is treated as disabled. In a Mobility Controller- Managed Device mode, automatic indicates that AirMatch determines when to modify the operating mode from dual band to the dual 5GHz mode.

Default: automatic

dump-server <dump-server> (For versions prior to AOS

(For debugging purposes) Specifies the server to receive a core dump generated when an AP process crashes.

dump-collection-profile (AOS or later versions)

{default | profile-name}

Specifies the profile for collecting core dump when an AP process crashes.


Copies data from another dump collection profile.


Configures dynamic PCAP collection interval in minutes.

Range: 0-30


Deletes the command.


Configures the server IP(v4/v6) for the dump collection.


Configures the server password for the dump collection.


Configures the server file path for the dump collection.


Configures the server port for the dump collection.


Configures the server username for the dump collection.


Enables the collection of system dump when an AP process crashes.


Configures the Dump Transfer Mode.


Enables AP to transfer core dump to controller and server.

NOTE: By default, the transfer-enable sub-parameter is enabled allowing the AP to transfer the core dump and when disabled the core dump is stored on the AP.

flex-radio-mode {2.4GHz|2.4GHz-and-5GHz|5GHz}

The mode for flexible radios. Use the following parameters:

2.4GHz—The radio operates on 2.4GHz.

2.4GHz-and-5GHz—The radio operates on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

5GHz—The radio operates on 5GHz.

flex-dual {2.4GHz-and-6GHz|5GHz-and-2.4GHz|5GHz-and-6GHz}

Enables the flex dual band support for an AP on stand-alone controllers. The flex dual band can be in one of the following three modes:

2.4GHz-and-6GHz—The radio 0 operates on 2.4 GHz and radio 1 operates on 6 GHz.

5GHz-and-2.4GHz—The radio 0 operates on 5 GHz and radio 1 operates on 2.4 GHz.

5GHz-and-6GHz—The radio 0 operates on 5 GHz and radio 1 operates on 6 GHz.

flex-dual-mode {2.4GHz-and-6GHz|5GHz-and-2.4GHz|5GHz-and-6GHz|Automatic}

Enables the flex dual band support for an AP in a Mobility Controller-Managed Device topology. The flex dual band can be in one of the following four modes:

2.4GHz-and-6GHz—The radio 0 operates on 2.4 GHz and radio 1 operates on 6 GHz.

5GHz-and-2.4GHz—The radio 0 operates on 5 GHz and radio 1 operates on 2.4 GHz.

5GHz-and-6GHz—The radio 0 operates on 5 GHz and radio 1 operates on 6 GHz.

Automatic— The radio 0 operates on 5GHz, radio 1 operates on 2.4GHz, and AirMatch will assign the operating mode dynamically.


HW acceleration of GRE traffic (for test purpose only)

Default: disabled


Enables HE pooling. Disabling this parameter overrides Airmatch decision to include APs in HE pooling.


The AP Health check feature configured via the health-check parameters uses ping probes to check reachability and latency levels for the connection between the AP and the managed device. Recorded latency information appears in the output of the show ap ip health-check command. If the managed device IP address becomes unreachable from the AP uplink, this feature records the time that the connection failed, and saves that information in a log file (tmp or ap_hcm_log) on the AP.

burst-size <size>

Number of probes to be sent during the probe frequency interval defined by the frequency health-check parameter.

Range: 1-16

Default: 5

frequency <frequency>

Probe interval, in seconds. The WAN health-check feature sends the number of probes defined by the burst-size parameter during each frequency interval defined by this frequency parameter.

Range: 10-300

Default: 10

mode <mode>

Ping probe mode is the only mode currently supported by this feature.

Default: ping

packet-size <packet-size>

The size, in bytes, of a ping datagram.

Range: 10-2000

Default: 32

report <report>

Number of seconds between health check reports sent from the AP to the controller. usage reports.

Range: 60-3600

Default: 60

retries <retries>

Number of times the attempts to resend a probe.

Range: 1-10

Default: 3


Issue the ap system-profile <profile> health-check-option command to enable the AP Health check feature.

Default: disabled

heartbeat-dscp <heartbeat-dscp>

Define the DSCP value of AP heartbeats. Use this feature to prioritize AP heartbeats and prevent the AP from losing connectivity with the Mobility Controller over high-latency or low-bandwidth WAN connections.

Range: 0-63

Default: 0

heartbeat-interval <heartbeat-interval>

Set the interval between heartbeat messages between a remote or campus AP and its associated Mobility Controller. An increase in the heartbeat interval increases the time it will take for an AP to detect the loss in connectivity to the Mobility Controller, but can reduce internet bandwidth consumed by a remote AP.

Range: 1-60

Default: 1

image-url <image-url>

Provide the image URL for an alternate AP image.


Enables the IPM system. To disable this feature, execute the no ipm-enable command.

Default: disabled

ipm-power-reduction-step-prio all

Sets up all the IPM power reduction steps.

ipm-power-reduction-step-prio ipm-step

Set IPM power and temperature reduction steps.


Configure this option to reduce the CPU frequency to 25%.


Configure this option to reduce the CPU frequency to 50%.


Configure this option to reduce the CPU frequency to 75%.


Disables the second Ethernet port.


Disable the first PSE port.


Disable the second PSE port.


Disable the USB port.

radio_2ghz_chain_1x1 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 2.4 GHz chains to 1x1.

radio_1_chain_1x1 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 1 chains to 1x1.

radio_2ghz_chain_2x2 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 2.4 GHz chains to 2x2.

radio_1_chain_2x2 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 1 chains to 2x2.

radio_2ghz_chain_3x3 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 2.4 GHz chains to 3x3.

radio_1_chain_3x3 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 1 chains to 3x3.

radio_2ghz_disable (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to disable the 2.4 GHz radio band.

radio_1_disable (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to disable radio 1.

radio_2ghz_power_3dB (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the 2.4 GHz radio power by 3 dB from the maximum value.

radio_1_power_3dB (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 1 power by 3 dB from the maximum value.

radio_2ghz_power_6dB (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the 2.4 GHz radio power by 6 dB from the maximum value.

radio_1_power_6dB (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 1 power by 6 dB from the maximum value.

radio_5ghz_2_chain_1x1 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the secondary 5 GHz radio chains to 1x1.

radio_2_chain_1x1 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 2 chains to 1x1.

radio_5ghz_2_chain_2x2 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the secondary 5 GHz radio chain to 2x2.

radio_2_chain_2x2 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 2 chains to 2x2.

radio_5ghz_2_chain_3x3 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the secondary 5 GHz radio chain to 3x3.

radio_2_chain_3x3 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 2 chains to 3x3.

radio_5ghz_2_disable (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to disable the secondary 5 GHz radio.

radio_2_disable (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to disable radio 2.

radio_5ghz_2_power_3dB (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the 5 GHz radio power by 3 dB from the maximum value.

radio_2_power_3dB (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 2 power by 3 dB from the maximum value.

radio_5ghz_2_power_6dB (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the 5 GHz radio power by 6 dB from the maximum value.

radio_2_power_6dB (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 2 power by 6 dB from the maximum value.

radio_5ghz_chain_1x1 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 5 GHz chains to 1x1.

radio_0_chain_1x1 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 0 chains to 1x1.

radio_5ghz_chain_2x2 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 5 GHz chains to 2x2.

radio_0_chain_2x2 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 0 chains to 2x2.

radio_5ghz_chain_3x3 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 5 GHz chains to 3x3.

radio_0_chain_3x3 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 0 chains to 3x3.

radio_5ghz_chain_4x4 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 5 GHz chain to 4x4.

radio_0_chain_4x4 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 0 chains to 4x4.

radio_5ghz_chain_5x5 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 5 GHz chains to 5x5.

radio_0_chain_5x5 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 0 chains to 5x5.

radio_5ghz_chain_6x6 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 5 GHz chain to 6x6.

radio_0_chain_6x6 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 0 chains to 6x6.

radio_5ghz_chain_7x7 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 5 GHz chain to 7x7.

radio_0_chain_7x7 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 0 chains to 7x7.

radio_5ghz_disable (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to disable the 5 GHz radio band.

radio_0_disable (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to disable radio 0.

radio_5ghz_power_3dB (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the 5 GHz radio power by 3 dB from the maximum value.

radio_0_power_3dB (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 0 power by 3 dB from the maximum value.

radio_5ghz_power_6dB (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the 5 GHz radio power by 6 dB from the maximum value.

radio_0_power_6dB (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 0 power by 6 dB from the maximum value.

radio_6ghz_chain_1x1 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 6 GHz chains to 1x1.

radio_2_chain_1x1 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 2 chains to 1x1.

radio_6ghz_chain_2x2 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 6 GHz chains to 2x2.

radio_2_chain_2x2 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 2 chains to 2x2.

radio_6ghz_chain_3x3 (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce 6 GHz chains to 3x3.

radio_2_chain_3x3 (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce radio 2 chains to 3x3.

radio_6ghz_disable (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to disable the 6 GHz radio.

radio_2_disable (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to disable radio 2.

radio_6ghz_power_3dB (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the 6 GHz radio power by 3 dB from the maximum value.

radio_2_power_3dB (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 2 power by 3 dB from the maximum value.

radio_6ghz_power_6dB (For versions prior to AOS

Configure this option to reduce the 6 GHz radio power by 6 dB from the maximum value.

radio_2_power_6dB (AOS or later versions)

Configure this option to reduce the radio 2 power by 6 dB from the maximum value.

priority <priority>

Sets the priorities for IPM power reduction steps.


Enables the intelligent temperature monitoring system. If enabled, the temperature is dynamically controlled and the AP is allowed to cool down. To disable this feature, issue the no itm-enable command.


  • This feature can be enabled only when the IPM feature is enabled.

  • This feature is supported only on AP-505H, AP-518, 570 Series, and 580 Series access points.

Default: disabled


The operating mode for the AP LEDs. This option is available on all 802.11n indoor AP platforms.

Default: normal


Display LEDs in normal mode.


Turn off all LEDs.


Override the LED action for single-LED APs in normal LED operating mode. If enabled, this feature disables the LED auto-turn-off function.

Default: disabled


Time, in seconds, that the primary LMS must be available before an AP returns to that LMS after failover.

Range: 1-3600

Default: 600

lms-ip <lms-ip>

In multi-controller networks, this parameter specifies the IP address of the LMS —the managed device—which is responsible for terminating user traffic from the APs, and processing and forwarding the traffic to the wired network. This can be the IP address of the managed device or Mobility Controller.

When using redundant managed device as the LMS, set this parameter to be the VRRP IP address to ensure that APs always have an active IP address with which to terminate sessions.

If the LMS-IP is blank, the access point will remain on the managed device that it finds using methods like DNS or DHCP. If an IP address is configured for the LMS IP parameter, the AP will be immediately redirected to the managed device at that address.

lms-ipv6 <lms-ipv6>

In multi-controller IPv6 networks, specify the IPv6 address of the LMS—the managed device—which is responsible for terminating user traffic from the APs, and processing and forwarding the traffic to the wired network. This can be the IP address of the managed device or Mobility Controller.

When using redundant managed device as the LMS, set this parameter to be the VRRP IP address to ensure that APs always have an active IP address with which to terminate sessions.

lms-ping-interval <lms-ping-interval>

Specifies the interval at which application level ping needs to be sent to managed device to check the reachability. Applicable only for Remote AP.

If this parameter is changed, UDP session timeout on an intermediate router which performs the NAT function should be set accordingly. The preferred timeout value is (lms-ping-interval + 30 seconds).

Range: 10-60

Default: 20


Automatically reverts to the primary LMS IP address when it becomes available.

Default: disabled


Enable or disable AP maintenance mode.

This setting is useful when deploying, maintaining, or upgrading the network.

If enabled, APs stop flooding unnecessary traps and syslog messages to NMS systems or network operations centers when deploying, maintaining, or upgrading the network. The Mobility Controller still generates debug syslog messages if debug logging is enabled.

Default: disabled

max-request-retries <max-request-retries>

Maximum number of times to retry AP-generated requests, including keepalive messages. After the maximum number of retries, the AP either tries the IP address specified by the bkup-lms-ip (if configured) or reboots.

Range: 1-65535

Default: 10


Enable multicast aggregation at AP.

Default: disabled

mcast-aggr-allowed-vlan <vlan-list>

Enable list of VLANs where AP multicast aggregation is allowed.

Default: disabled

mgmt-dscp <mgmt-dscp>

Sets the DSCP value of AP management packets.

Range: 0-63


MTU, in bytes, on the wired link for the AP.

Range: 1024-1578

native-vlan-id <native-vlan-id>

Native VLAN for bridge mode virtual APs (frames on the native VLAN are not tagged with 802.1q tags).

Default: 1


Negates any configured parameter.

number-ipsec-retries <number_ipsec_retries>

The number of times the AP will attempt to recreate an IPsec tunnel with the Mobility Controller before the AP will reboot. A value of 0 disables the reboot.

Range: 1-1000

Default: 85

rap-bw-resv-1 acl <aclname>

[priority <priority>]

Session ACLs with uplink bandwidth reservation in Kbps. You can specify up to three session ACLs to reserve uplink bandwidth. The sum of the three uplink bandwidths should not exceed the rap-bw-total value. BW value is in Kbps.

Optionally, you can specify the priority for class 1, class 2, and class 3 traffic.

rap-bw-resv-2 acl <aclname> <bwvalue> [priority <priority>]

rap-bw-resv-3 acl <aclname> [priority <priority>]

rap-bw-total <rap-bw-total>

This is the total reserved uplink bandwidth (in Kbps).

rap-corp-dns-server <ipv4 address>

IPv4 address of the Corporate DNS server

rap-corp-dns-server_ ipv6 <ipv6 address>

IPv6 address of the Corporate DNS server

rap-dhcp-default-router <rap-dhcp-default-router>

IP address for the default DHCP router.


rap-dhcp-dns-server <rap-dhcp-dns-server>

IP address of the DNS server.


rap-dhcp-lease <rap-dhcp-lease>

The amount of days that the assigned IP address is valid for the client. Specify the lease in <days>.

0 indicates the IP address is always valid; the lease does not expire.


Default: 0

rap-dhcp-pool-end <rap-dhcp-pool-end>

Configures a DHCP pool for remote APs. This is the last IP address of the DHCP pool.


rap-dhcp-pool-netmask <rap-dhcp-pool-netmask>

Configures a DHCP pool for remote APs. This is the netmask used for the DHCP pool.


rap-dhcp-pool-start <rap-dhcp-pool-start>

Configures a DHCP pool for remote APs. This is the first IP address of the DHCP pool.


rap-dhcp-server-id <rap-dhcp-server-id>

IP address used as the DHCP server identifier.



rap-dhcp-server-vlan <rap-dhcp-server-vlan>

VLAN ID of the remote AP DHCP server used if the Mobility Controller is unavailable. This VLAN enables the DHCP server on the AP (also known as the remote AP DHCP server VLAN). If you enter the native VLAN ID, the DHCP server is unavailable.

rap-gre-mtu <rap-gre-mtu>

Configures the maximum size of the GRE packets exchanged between a Remote AP and the Mobility Controller.

Range: 1024-1578

Default: 1200


Enable or disable local network access across VLANs in a Remote AP.

Default: disabled

recovery-mode {legacy | auto}

Select either the legacy recovery mode or the auto mode (fast recovery).

legacy— On detecting a firmware assert, the AP transfers the core-dump to the managed device and executes an AP reboot.

auto—On detecting a firmware assert, the AP executes the fast recovery process in the radio affected instead of rebooting the AP. This reduces the downtime of the AP in the network. If the AP detects a coredump with a valuable information during a firmware assert, then it transfers the core dump to the managed device and the AP reboots.

The fast recovery mode for 530 Series and 550 Series access points is disabled by default.

Default: legacy

request-retry-interval <request-retry-interval>

Interval, in seconds, between the first and second retries of AP-generated requests. If the configured interval is less than 30 seconds, the interval for subsequent retries is increased up to 30 seconds.

Range: 1-65535

Default: 10

rf-band {a | g}

For APs that support both a and b/g RF bands, RF band in which the AP should operate:

g = 2.4 GHz

a = 5 GHz

Default: g


Enables the AP to send RFID tag information to an RTLS server.


IPv4/IPv6 address or the DNS of the RTLS server to which location reports are sent.


Port number on the server to which location reports are sent.


Shared secret key.


Indicates how often packets are sent to the server.\

Range: 1-3600

Default: 30

{enable | disable}]

RTLS station reporting includes information for APs and the clients that the AP has detected. If you include the include-unassoc-sta parameter, the station reports will also include information about clients not associated to any AP. By default, unassociated clients are not included in station reports.

Default: disabled


The compatibility mode controls the format of tag frames forwarded to the RTLS server. Enabling this mode will enable legacy format (includes a 2 byte padding), and disabling this mode will remove the padding. The tag frame format will be the same across all AP models.


Enables the SCP protocol for secure image download.


Assigns a remote AP as a secondary Mobility Controller in the event the primary Mobility Controller can not be reached.


Sets the channel of SES-imagotag ESL Radio.

There are 12 pre-defined, independent radio channels. Channel 0 to 10 and 127 are valid channels and channel 11 is an invalid channel. The recommended channels are 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10 as they connect faster. These channels do not correspond to standard 802.11 channels.

Range: 0-10 and 127


Enables radio co-existence features between SES-imagotag ESL radio and 2.4 G WiFi radio


Sets the FQDN of SES-imagotag ESL Server. Server name takes priority over IP address. If server name is configured, IP address will not take effect. If server name is not configured, IP address takes effect. To disable SES-imagotag ESL server, do not configure server name and IP address.


Sets the IP Address of SES-imagotag ESL Server. Adding server IP addresses allows bulk management and control of multiple servers at the same time.

Starting from AOS, a new option to configure the port number for SES Imagotag dongles is introduced. Custom port can be set using the port option. The port setting is optional. The domain name configuration should be followed by a colon and the port number :<port number>. If the port number is not defined the default port will be used by SES Imagotag dongles. For example, (host) [mynode] (AP system profile "test")sesimagotag-esl-server arubanetworks.com:64104


Allows AP to authenticate with SES-Imagotag ESL server.


Allows AP to verify TLS FQDN

session-acl <session-acl>

Session ACL configured with the ip access-list session command.

This parameter requires the PEFNG license.

If PEFNG license is installed, ap uplink-acl is applied, else no ACL is applied.


If you enable this option, AOS checks for a slow CPU timer, and if it detects an issue, it restarts the AP without logging a reason for the reboot. This feature is supported on RAP-108 or RAP-109 access points.

Default: disabled


Enables the spanning-tree protocol.

Default: disabled


Set mode for split-5GHz capable APs from one of the following:

  • Automatic : Split-5GHz radio mode is enabled or disabled automatically
  • Disabled: Split-5GHz radio mode will be disabled.
  • Enabled: 8x8:8SS 5GHz radio will be split to 2 4x4:4SS 5GHz radios.


SNMP system contact information.


Enables or disables telnet or SSH to the AP.

Telnet is enabled on an AP running AOS or previous versions. SSH is enabled on an AP running AOS firmware version.

Default: disabled


Enables or disables WIDS aggregate MPDU optimization.

Default: disabled

wired-poe-bounce-interval <wired-poe-bounce-interval>

Configures the down time of PoE wired port after the AP fails over to backup cluster or falls back to primary cluster.

Range: 0-60 secs

Default: 0

NOTE: The port bounce feature is disabled when the default value is 0.

wired-port-bounce-interval <wired-port-bounce-interval>

Configures the down time of Ethernet link wired port after the AP fails over to backup cluster or falls back to primary cluster.

Range: 0-60 secs

Default: 0

NOTE: The port bounce feature is disabled when the default value is 0.


The following command configures the Dual 5GHz mode option for 340 Series access points:

(host) [mynode] (config) #ap system profile <profile-name>

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "<profile-name>") #dual-5ghz-mode enabled

The following commands configure LACP and AP LACP LMS map information settings:

(host) [mynode] (config) #ap system-profile LACP

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "LACP") #lms-ip

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "LACP") #exit

(host) [mynode] (config) #ap-lacp-striping-ip

(host) [mynode] (AP LACP LMS map information) #striping-ip lms

(host) [mynode] (AP LACP LMS map information) #aplacp-enable

For more information on configuring LACP support, including important pre-deployment considerations and troubleshooting information, refer to the AOS User Guide. It is recommended not to configure GRE striping IP address for stand-alone controller deployments.

The following command removes one IPM step or priotity from the AP system profile, "default":

(host) [mynode] (config) #ap system-profile default

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "default") #no ipm-power-reduction-step-prio ipm-step cpu_throttle_50

The following command removes all IPM priorities set for an AP system profile:

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "default") #no ipm-power-reduction-step-prio all

The following commands configure the recovery mode parameter for 300 Series access points:

(host) [mynode] (config) #ap system-profile <profile-name>

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "<profile-name>") #recovery-mode auto

The following commands configure the wired port downtime for both Ethernet link and PoE:

(host) [mynode] (config)#ap system-profile <profile-name>

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "<profile-name>") # wired-poe-bounce-interval <wired-poe-bounce-interval>

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "<profile-name>") # wired-port-bounce-interval <wired-port-bounce-interval>

(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "<profile-name>") # write memory

Command History




The following modifications were introduced:

The following new parameters were added:

flex-dual {2.4GHz-and-6GHz|5GHz-and-2.4GHz|5GHz-and-6GHz}

flex-dual-mode {2.4GHz-and-6GHz|5GHz-and-2.4GHz|5GHz-and-6GHz|Automatic}

The following changes were made to the ipm-power-reduction-step-prio ipm-step parameter:

Replaced radio_2ghz_chain_1x1 with radio_1_chain_1x1

Replaced radio_2ghz_chain_2x2 with radio_1_chain_2x2

Replaced radio_2ghz_chain_3x3 with radio_1_chain_3x3

Replaced radio_2ghz_disable with radio_1_disable

Replaced radio_2ghz_power_3dB with radio_1_power_3dB

Replaced radio_2ghz_power_6dB with radio_1_power_6dB

Replaced radio_5ghz_2_chain_1x1 with radio_2_chain_1x1

Replaced radio_5ghz_2_chain_2x2 with radio_2_chain_2x2

Replaced radio_5ghz_2_chain_3x3 with radio_2_chain_3x3

Replaced radio_5ghz_2_disable with radio_2_disable

Replaced radio_5ghz_2_power_3dB with radio_2_power_3db

Replaced radio_5ghz_2_power_6dB with radio_2_power_6db

Replaced radio_5ghz_chain_1x1 with radio_0_chain_1x1

Replaced radio_5ghz_chain_2x2 with radio_0_chain_2x2

Replaced radio_5ghz_chain_3x3 with radio_0_chain_3x3

Replaced radio_5ghz_chain_4x4 with radio_0_chain_4x4

Replaced radio_5ghz_chain_5x5 with radio_0_chain_5x5

Replaced radio_5ghz_chain_6x6 with radio_0_chain_6x6

Replaced radio_5ghz_chain_7x7 with radio_0_chain_7x7

Replaced radio_5ghz_disable with radio_0_disable

Replaced radio_5ghz_power_3dB with radio_0_power_3dB

Replaced radio_5ghz_power_6dB with radio_0_power_6dB

Replaced radio_6ghz_chain_1x1 with radio_2_chain_1x1

Replaced radio_6ghz_chain_2x2 with radio_2_chain_2x2

Replaced radio_6ghz_chain_3x3 with radio_2_chain_3x3

Replaced radio_6ghz_disable with radio_2_disable

Replaced radio_6ghz_power_3dB with radio_2_power_3dB

Replaced radio_6ghz_power_6dB with radio_2_power_6dB

The flex-radio-mode {2.4GHz|2.4GHz-and-5GHz|5GHz} parameter was removed for stand-alone controllers only (AOS or later versions).


The following modifications were introduced:

The following sub-parameters were added to the ipm-power-reduction-step-prio ipm-step parameter:















The sub-parameter transfer-enable was added to the dump-collection-profile parameter .


The following parameters were modified:

All instances of master have been replaced with conductor.

All instances of secondary-master have been replaced with secondary-conductor.


The following parameters were added:

wired-poe-bounce-interval <wired-poe-bounce-interval>

wired-port-bounce-interval <wired-port-bounce-interval>




The value, 127, was added to the sesImagotag-esl-channel parameter.


The sesimagotag-esl-serverip parameter was enhanced.


The following parameters were added:




The following parameters were modified:



ipm-power-reduction-step-prio ipm-step


The sesimagotag-esl-server parameter was added.


The following parameters were added:

rap-corp-dns-server <ipv4 address>

rap-corp-dns-server_ ipv6 <ipv6 address>


The following modifications were introduced:

The IPv6 address support was added to the ip-or-dns parameter.

The ap-usb-power-mode and wids-ampdu-optimization parameters were added.

The sesImagotag-esl-channel and sesImagotag-esl-serverip parameters were added.

The ap-usb-power-override parameter was deprecated.

The following parameters were added:





The dump-server <dump-server> parameter was deprecated.

The dump-collection-profile {default | profile-name} parameter was introduced.


The following new parameters were added:





The all sub-parameter was added to the ipm-power-reduction-step-prio parameter.

The no ipm-power-reduction-step-prio ipm-step <ipm-step> priority <priority number> parameter was changed to no ipm-power-reduction-step-prio ipm-step <ipm-step>.

The flex-radio-mode parameter was added.


Command introduced.

Command Information



Command Mode

All platforms

Base operating system, except for noted parameters.

Config mode on Mobility Controller.