iot transportProfile
iot transportProfile <profile>
ZSDFilter <Zigbee_Socket_Device_Filter>
accessID <accessID>
ageFilter <ageout>
authenticationURL <url>
authentication-mode {client-credentials|none|password}
azure-dps-auth-type group-enrollment symmetric-key <key>
azure-dps-id-scope <id_scope>
cellSizeFilter <cellsize>
companyIdentifierFilter <filter>
customFadingFactor <type>
data-filter <filter>
endpointID <id>
endpointToken <token>
endpointType {Meridian-Asset-Tracking|Meridian-Beacon-Management|telemetry-https|telemetry-websocket
endpointURL <url>
environmentType <type>
localNameFilter <filter>
macOuiFilter <filter>
movementFilter <threshold>
password <password>
payloadContent {managed-beacons|managed-tags|zf-tags|all|enocean-sensors/enocean-switches|
proxyserver <host> <port> [<username>|<password>]
rssiReporting <type>
rtlsDestMAC <mac_address>
serviceUUIDFilter <filter>
uidNamespaceFilter <filter>
usbSerialDeviceTypeFilter <filter>
transportInterval <interval>
uuidFilter <filter>
urlFilter <filter>
username <user>
vlan <vlan_id>
zone <zone>
This command configures an IoT transport profile on an Instant network. An IoT transport profile is a global profile that is created for transporting BLE information from an Instant AP to an endpoint server. Use this command to create or modify an IoT transport profile.
Parameter |
Description |
ZSDFilter <filter> |
A list of Zigbee socket devices to filter the packets fro m Zigbee. |
accessID |
An access ID can grant extended access |
ageFilter <ageout> |
Devices without recent activity will not be reported. 0 to 3600 seconds 0 |
authentication-mode |
Authentication mode to use with authentication server. Available options are:
authenticationURL <url> |
Denotes the server URL used for authentication. |
azure-dps-auth-type group-enrollment symmetric-key <key> |
Denotes the symmetric key to enroll devices in a group on the Azure DPS. |
azure-dps-id-scope <id_scope> |
Denotes the Azure DPS ID scope for device provisioning. |
blePeriodicTelemetryDisable |
Disables the periodic telemetry report. This command only works when telemetry-websocket is configured as the Server Type. |
cellSizeFilter <cellsize> |
This is a proximity filter. Devices outside the cell will not be reported. Size is specified in meters. Setting to 0 disables the cell size filter. 0 to 255 meters 0 |
client-secret |
Password to use when authenticating using client credentials. |
companyIdentifierFilter <filter> |
It is a 2-bytes integer, for example, "HPE - 0x011B" or "Wiliot - 0x0500. You can also include an extra byte which indicates the next layer type, like for HPE - 0x011B, 0x08, which means that the device type used is HPE Aruba Networkingsensors. |
customFadingFactor <type> |
When environment type is custom, you can define a fading factor to get the most accurate distance according to your environment. 10 to 40 |
data-filter <filter> |
A list of numbers to filter the data before reporting to a server. The numbers correspond to protobuf files. For more information, see DataFilter Values. |
deviceCountOnly |
Send only the aggregated device counts per configured device class |
endpointID <id> |
Endpoint ID of the IoT management server. |
endpointToken <token> |
Configures a text string of text string of 1-255 characters as the BLE endpoint authorization token. The authorization token is used by the BLE devices in the HTTPS header when communicating with the BMC. 1 to 255 characters |
endpointType |
This parameter registers the WebSocket endpoint of a management server for BLE data on the Instant AP. The WebSocket endpoint allows the management server to receive messages from the BLE relay process on the Instant AP. Only one endpoint configuration is supported at a given time. A new endpoint configuration will overwrite the existing configuration. The following endpoint types are supported:
When the meridian asset tracking endpoint is configured and the firmware is upgraded to Instant, the CA certificate should be uploaded in order to connect to the Meridian server.
localNameFilter <filter> |
It is a string, that can do string matching. It matches both advertisement and scan response. |
macOuiFilter <filter> |
It is a 3 bytes array. Only public MAC address(non-randomized) are considered. For example, 60:C0:BF is MAC OUI of Blyott devices. |
movementFilter <threshold> |
Filters devices that do not change distance. Specified in meters. Applicable only if a cell size is set. Setting to 0 disables the movement filter. 0 to 255 meters 0 |
endpointURL <url> |
Configures the URL of the IoT management server to which the BLE monitoring data is sent. |
environmentType <type> |
Configures the working environment type. |
uuidFilter |
Denotes the universal unique identifiers (UUIDs) through comma separated strings. |
usbSerialDeviceTypeFilter <filter> |
Enables the use to filter serial data based on the USB serial dongle type. The following serial data type can be filtered:
vendorFilter |
A list of list of vendor IDs and vendor names. You can specify a maximum of 5 vendor IDs or vendor names. |
password <password> |
Endpoint password. |
payloadContent <payload> |
Content of the messages sent to the IoT management server. The following payload options are supported:
proxyserver <host> <port> [<username>|<password>] |
Denotes the proxy server to which the IoT data is sent.
serviceUUIDFilter <filter> |
It is a 2 bytes integer, and it could be more than one entry. For example, 0x180F is SIG-adopted service UUID. |
transportInterval <interval> |
Instant AP IoT data interval in seconds. 5 to 3600 seconds 300 seconds |
rssiReporting <type> |
Sets the preferred format for RSSI reporting. average |
rtlsDestMAC <mac_address> |
Set the destination MAC address filter for RTLS tags. |
uidNamespaceFilter <filter> |
A list of UID namespaces to filter devices included in the reports. Applies only Eddystone-UID devices. You can specify a maximum of 10 namespaces |
urlFilter <filter> |
A list of URL strings to filter devices included in the reports. Applies only to Eddystone-URL devices. The string listed here can be partial URL strings. You can specify a maximum of 10 URL strings. |
username <user> |
Endpoint user name. |
vlan <vlan_id> |
Configures a client specific VLAN to transport IoT telemetry data |
zone <zone> |
Denotes the zone names for the IoT transport profile. When a zone is defined in the transport profile and the same zone name is defined on an Instant AP, the transport profile is created on that Instant AP. You can enter multiple zone names as comma-separated values. |
no… |
Removes any existing configuration. |
DataFilter Values
Value |
Description |
#2 |
reporter |
2.1 |
name |
2.3 |
ipv4 |
2.4 |
ipv6 |
2.5 |
hwType |
2.6 |
swVersion |
2.7 |
swBuild |
2.8 |
time |
#3 |
reported |
3.2 |
deviceClass |
3.3 |
model |
3.4 |
firmware |
3.5 |
assetId |
3.6 |
publicKey |
3.7 |
lastSeen |
3.9 |
bevent |
3.10 |
rssi |
3.11 |
cell |
3.12 |
beacons |
3.13 |
txpower |
3.14 |
sensors |
3.14.1 |
accelerometer |
3.14.2 |
battery |
3.14.3 |
temperatureC |
3.14.4 |
humidity |
3.14.5 |
voltage |
3.14.6 |
illumination |
3.14.7 |
motion |
3.14.8 |
current |
3.14.9 |
CO |
3.14.10 |
CO2 |
3.14.11 |
3.14.12 |
resistance |
3.14.13 |
pressure |
3.14.14 |
alarm |
3.14.15 |
contact |
3.14.16 |
occupancy |
3.14.17 |
mechanicalHandle |
3.14.18 |
distance |
3.14.19 |
capacitance |
3.16 |
stats |
3.16.1 |
uptime |
3.16.2 |
adv_cnt |
3.16.3 |
seq_nr |
3.17 |
inputs |
3.18 |
vendorData |
3.19 |
vendorName |
3.20 |
sensorTimestamp |
3.21 |
flags |
3.22 |
localName |
3.23 |
identity |
The following example configures an IoT transport profile:
(Instant AP)(config)# iot transportProfile sample
(Instant AP)(IoT Data Profile "sample")# endpointURL
(Instant AP)(IoT Transport Profile "sample")# endpointType Meridian-Beacon-Management
(Instant AP)(IoT Transport Profile "sample")# payloadContent managed-beacons
(Instant AP)(IoT Transport Profile "sample")# transportInterval 300
(Instant AP)(IoT Transport Profile "sample")# endpointToken MzkxMTZlMWYtYTgzYS00YWUxLTkzYWEtYjQyNzE1MGMyMjAxOjBiZWJjYWViLTRjNjItNGEwNC1hMGIyLWYzZTM5ZDFlNGVkNg==
(Instant AP)(IoT Transport Profile "sample")# end
(Instant AP)# commit apply
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Instant Mode |
The blePeriodicTelemetryDisable parameter was introduced. |
Instant Mode |
The zone parameter was introduced. |
Instant Mode |
The following parameters were added:
The following parameter was removed:
Instant Mode |
The following parameters were introduced: The following endpoint type was introduced:
The following deviceClassFilters were introduced:
Instant Mode |
The following parameters were introduced:
The following payload content were introduced:
Instant Mode |
The following parameters were introduced: The following payloadContent were introduced: |
Instant Mode |
The payload content was introduced. |
HPE Aruba Networking Instant |
The following parameters were introduced: The following endpoint types were introduced: The following payload contents were introduced: |
HPE Aruba Networking Instant |
Command introduced. |
Command Information
Platforms |
Command Mode |
All platforms |
Configuration mode and IoT transport profile configuration sub-mode. |