Adding an Aruba Central Endpoint Context Server

To add an Aruba Central Endpoint Context Server:

1. Navigate to Administration > External Servers > Endpoint Context Servers.

The Endpoint Context Servers page opens.

2. Click Add.

The Add Endpoint Context Server dialog opens.

3. From the Select Server Type drop-down, select Aruba Central.

The following screen displays:

Figure 1  Adding an Aruba Central Endpoint Context Server Dialog


You can add multiple endpoint context servers of the same type.

4. Enter appropriate values for each Aruba Central Endpoint Context Server parameter described in Table 1.

5. When satisfied with the updates, click Save.


Once the Aruba Central Endpoint Context Server is configured and saved, go to Monitoring > Live Monitoring > Access Tracker and select the Host MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. Address filter to search for it within the displayed list. When you click a displayed server's row, the End-Host Identifier row in the Request Details > Server tab includes an Open in Central link. Selecting the link will only open the correct page if already logged into Central. If not logged in, the link opens the Central login page.

Table 1: Adding an Aruba Central Endpoint Context Server Parameters



Select Server Type

Choose Aruba Central from the Select Server Type drop-down list to specify Aruba Central as the server type configured with the parameters set for the endpoint context server.

Server Name

Enter a valid server name. You can enter an IP address or hostname.

Server Base URL Uniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet.

Enter the full URL Uniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet. of the Aruba Central server.

You can append a custom port, such as for a MDM Mobile Device Management. MDM is an administrative software to manage, monitor, and secure mobile devices of the employees in a network. server:

Authentication Method

Select one of the following authentication methods:


OAuth2: When you select OAuth2 or Basic and OAuth2, the following fields display:

OAuth2 Client ID

OAuth2 Client Secret

OAuth2 Resource URL Uniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet.

Validate OAuth2 Credentials: Select Validate, to retrieve a bearer token to validate whether the OAuth Open Standard for Authorization. OAuth is a token-based authorization standard that allows websites or third-party applications to access user information, without exposing the user credentials. token server is reachable, and the credentials are correct. If the credentials are not correct, an error message displays.

Both: Selecting Both allows you to use both Basic and OAuth2 authentication.


Enter the username for the Aruba Central server.


Verify Password

Enter the password for the Aruba Central server, then verify the password to confirm it for use.

Validate Server

Enable the Validate Server option to validate the server certificate.

Checking this option enables the Certificate tab.

Bypass Proxy

Enable the Bypass Proxy option to bypass the proxy server. Select this option to specify the endpoint context server should not use the configured proxy settings (if a proxy is used). ClearPass then bypasses the proxy server for functions such MDM Mobile Device Management. MDM is an administrative software to manage, monitor, and secure mobile devices of the employees in a network. API Application Programming Interface. Refers to a set of functions, procedures, protocols, and tools that enable users to build application software., Endpoint Context Server Actions, and Generic HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The HTTP is an application protocol to transfer data over the web. The HTTP protocol defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and the actions that the w servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. outbound enforcement.

NOTE: When this field is enabled, the proxy servers configured in the Administration > Server Manager > Server Configuration > Service Parameters tab > Policy Manager System Services service page are bypassed. The server discovery occurs without any issues even when the proxy servers are bypassed.