Creating Reports

The Reports page provides a method for creating reports with data filters and customized time ranges up to the previous two months.

Figure 1  Reports Page

Run Reports Now or on a Specified Schedule

You can set up reports to run immediately or you can schedule a report to run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Although Insight reports show data over the previous two-month period, Insight can retain data for up to two years.

Select Report Filters

Many reports allow you to select filters that include a simple AND condition. For example, you can use filters to create a report that displays data for RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service. An Industry-standard network access protocol for remote authentication. It allows authentication, authorization, and accounting of remote users who want to access network resources.  Authentications from the Active Directory Microsoft Active Directory. The directory server that stores information about a variety of things, such as organizations, sites, systems, users, shares, and other network objects or components. It also provides authentication and authorization mechanisms, and a framework within which related services can be deployed. AND the Guest User Repository source.


For Compliance Reports in Insight, the Filters for Audit records are not allowed in the UI User Interface..

PDF, CSV, and HTML Report Formats Are Available

After a report is configured and run, the report is available for download in PDF and CSV Comma-Separated Values. A file format that stores tabular data in the plain text format separated by commas. formats. You can also open a report and view it in HTML format.


Deleting a configured report deletes both the report configuration and all related report output.

Creating a New Report: Settings Configuration

To create a new report:

1. From the Insight navigation panel, click Reports.

2. Select Create New Report. The Settings page of the Create New Report Wizard opens.

Figure 2  Create New Report Wizard: Settings

3. Enter the appropriate information as described in Table 1, then click Next.


For detailed information about what report types are provided for each report category, refer to Insight Report Categories.

Table 1: Specifying the Report Settings Parameters

Report Parameter


Report Name

Enter the name of the report.


Optionally, enter a summary description of the report.

Report Language Select the language in which the report is displayed. Options are English (the default), Korean, Chinese, and Japanese.


Select the report Category, then specify the desired report type in the selected category.



Guest Authentication





RADIUS Authentication




Optionally, specify report notifications. These report notification options require that you first configure the SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is an Internet standard protocol for electronic mail transmission. mail server for email notifications. For details, see Messaging Setup.

Notify by Email. When you select this option, enter the list of email addresses (separated by commas) to be notified. When Insight Reports are sent via email to notification recipients, the recipients will receive an email with an HTML version of the report and a zip file containing the report in CSV Comma-Separated Values. A file format that stores tabular data in the plain text format separated by commas. and PDF formats. If the zip file is larger than 2 MB, the CSV Comma-Separated Values. A file format that stores tabular data in the plain text format separated by commas. file will not be included in the zip file, but the email will include a link to download that file.

Notify by SMS. When you select this option, enter the phone numbers of each recipient (separated by commas).


NOTE: Before you can enable one or both of these two options, you must configure the File Transfer Settings (including the Remote Directory) in the Administration section. For more information, see File Transfer Settings Configuration.

Include raw data in output

A full set of raw data is customizable in the CSV Comma-Separated Values. A file format that stores tabular data in the plain text format separated by commas. reports only.

Enable remote copy

This option lets you copy reports to the location specified in the Administration > Remote Directory setting.

Repeat Scheduled Report

Specify whether you want to generate this report Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. The default is No Repeat.

To rerun a No Repeat report or a static report, edit and save the report. Insight will then automatically run the report.

When you create a report with the No Repeat option selected, the report runs when you click Save.

When you create a periodic report (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly), the report is run according to the specified schedule.

Preset Date Range


If you select the No Repeat option in the Repeat Scheduled Report field, you can choose one of the following Preset Date Range settings this report:

Custom Date: When you select Custom Date, specify the Start Date and Time and the End Date and Time.


Since Yesterday

This Week

Within Last Week

Within Last 2 Weeks

This Month

Within Last Month

When you select one of these date range options (with the exception of Custom Date), Insight automatically populates the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time settings

Report Summary

When you have configured the report settings, the Report Summary displays them for your review.

Report Filters Configuration

When you complete the Settings page in the Create New Report wizard and click Next, the page that opens allows you to configure the filters for your report. For maximum flexibility in defining your reports, the complete set of filters are available for each report.

Report filters apply the data fetched from the database, then Insight displays the result in the report. The filters that are available depend on the report category you specify. If you don't apply a filter, Insight includes all the data in the generated report that matches the report category.

Figure 3  Specifying a Report Filter

1. Specify the report filter parameters as described in the following table:

Specifying the Filters Parameters

Filter Parameter



Click the Field drop-down list and select the parameter you wish to use as a filter. The available parameters vary, according to the report type.


Select the operator to determine how Insight filters the setting in the Value field. Supported options are:

Equals: The field is an exact match with the value string

Not_Equals: The field does not exactly match the value string

Starts_with: The field starts with the specified value string

Contains: The field parameter contains the value string anywhere within the field parameter.

Not_Contains: The field parameter does not contain the Value parameter


Select the appropriate value.

Add Another

Click this link to add another filter.

Specifying the Logo and Branding

1. When you complete the report filters configuration, scroll to the Logo and Branding section on the same page. The initial Logo and Branding screen presents a prompt, asking if you want to change the logo:

Figure 4  Prompt for Changing the Logo

2. If you don't wish to change the logo, simply click Next to proceed.

3. If you do want to change the logo, click the check box.

The Logo and Branding configuration section opens:

Figure 5  Logo and Branding Section

4. To specify the logo and branding information, enter the information as described in Table 2, then click Next.

Table 2: Specifying Logo and Branding Parameters

Report Parameter


Select Template

From the drop-down, select the logo and branding template.

Page Title

Enter the page title.

Top Section

Enter the header for the top of the page.

Logo Image

To browse to the appropriate logo image, click Replace Image.

Bottom Section

Enter the footer text.


Enter the copyright information. For example, "Copyright 2019 NewSales, Inc."

Save Template

To save the new branding and logo settings, click Save Template.

Report Summary Page

When you complete the Logo and Branding section, the Report Summary is displayed.

Figure 6  Report Summary

1. Review the report summary.

a. If you wish to change any aspect of the report, click Edit Report. The Report Summary dialog opens. You can edit the current report settings as needed.

b. Make any necessary changes, then click Save.

2. When the report settings are satisfactory, click Save. Insight generates the report. You return to the Configured Reports page.

Uploading a Custom Report Template

Starting with Policy Manager 6.10, you can upload a custom report template using the Import option on the Reports > Custom Reports page. To create a new report based on a custom report template:

1. Navigate to Reports > Configuration.

2. Select the Custom option in the Category drop-down list.

Configured Reports Page

To see the set of configured reports, select Reports > Configuration. From this view, you can edit or copy report settings, run or delete a configured report, and import or export reports between Policy Manager servers.

Figure 7  Configured Reports Page

A green dot next to a report name indicates that the report generation is complete, while a yellow dot indicates that Insight is still creating the report. A red dot by the report name indicates that the report failed to generate. To display a tooltip with additional information about why a report fail to generate, hover your mouse over red dot.

This page also provides two report widgets:

Top 10 Reports Time to Run 30 Days

This widget lists the ten reports that took the longest (in seconds) to run over the last 30 days.

Top 10 Reports Last 30 Days

This widget lists the ten most frequently run reports over the last 30 days.

Importing and Exporting Reports

Insight allows you to import or export individual reports, or import and export multiple report definitions at once.

To export a single report definition:

1. Navigate to the Reports > Configuration page.

2. In the Configuration table, click the checkbox to the left of a report name to select that report.

3. to export the selected report definition as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is an open-standard, language-independent, lightweight data-interchange format used to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs. JSON uses a "self-describing" text format that is easy for humans to read and write, and that can be used as a data format by any programming language.) file, click the Export () icon to the right of the report name in the Configuration table, or click the Export button above the Configuration table.

To export multiple report definitions at once (bulk export):

1. Navigate to the Reports > Configuration page.

2. In the Configuration table, click the check box to the left of each report name you want to export, or click the check box in the header of the Configuration table to select all reports.

3. Click the Export button above the Configuration table.

All selected reports are exported in a single JSON JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is an open-standard, language-independent, lightweight data-interchange format used to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs. JSON uses a "self-describing" text format that is easy for humans to read and write, and that can be used as a data format by any programming language. file.

Figure 8  Selecting Multiple Report Definitions for Bulk Export

To import one or more report definitions:

1. Click the Import Report button.

2. Browse to and select a JSON JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is an open-standard, language-independent, lightweight data-interchange format used to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs. JSON uses a "self-describing" text format that is easy for humans to read and write, and that can be used as a data format by any programming language. report definition file.

3. If you select a file with multiple report definitions, the import process will add all reports in that file, and Insight will display a status message listing all the report definitions that have been added or updated.


If you upload a report definition that uses an existing custom report template name, Insight displays a warning stating that the template name already exists, and that uploading a new report will overwrite the previous uploaded custom report configuration.

Viewing Generated Reports

You can view or download an existing report on the Reports page of the Insight user interface. To view a generated report:

1. From the navigation panel, click Reports.

2. Scroll to the Created Reports section.

Figure 9  Created Reports

3. To download the zip file that contains the reports in PDF and CSV Comma-Separated Values. A file format that stores tabular data in the plain text format separated by commas. formats, click the Download icon (as shown in Figure 9). When you download a file, this page displays banner messages that provide information about the file's download progress and when it is ready for download—for example:

Report <filename> will be generated now. Retry download after a few minutes.

Report <filename> file generation in progress.

Report <filename> file is ready for download.

4. To view the desired report in HTML format (which opens in new tab), click the name of the report.

The generated report is displayed (see Figure 10).

Figure 10  Report Displayed in HTML Format

Regenerating Existing Reports

To regenerate an updated version of an existing report definition, click the run () icon beside any report definition on the Reports or Reports > Configured Reports pages.