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Aruba Instant User Guide

This User Guide describes the features supported in Aruba Instant 8.x.x.x. This guide is intended for system administrators responsible for configuring and maintaining wireless networks and assumes administrator knowledge in Layer 2 and Layer 3 networking technologies.

What is New in the Release

This section lists the new features, enhancements, or hardware platforms introduced in Aruba Instant

New Features and Hardware Platforms

Table 1: New Features in Instant



Aruba Sensor Values

Starting from Aruba Instant, an AP can classify and parse the content of advertisement and scan response frames and report the BLEBluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. telemetry data to subscribers.

Behavior of default provisioning SSID

Starting from Instant, the default provisioning SSIDService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network., SetMeUp, will be disabled if the AP discovers the controller IP through Activate, DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.  server or DNSDomain Name System. A DNS server functions as a phone book for the intranet and Internet users. It converts human-readable computer host names into IP addresses and IP addresses into host names. It stores several records for a domain name such as an address 'A' record, name server (NS), and mail exchanger (MX) records. The Address 'A' record is the most important record that is stored in a DNS server, because it provides the required IP address for a network peripheral or element. server.

Client Isolation

Client Isolation enables you to isolate clients and disable all client-to-client communication within a network. This feature enhances the security of the network infrastructure and protects it against vulnerabilities.

Configuring Preferred Uplink

Starting from Instant, the uplink port can be configured to either eth0 or eth1 as preferred. This feature is only supported with AP-318 and 370 Series access points.

Disable/Enable High Throughput functionality

The High Throughput knob allows you to toggle the high throughput (802.11n802.11n is a wireless networking standard to improve network throughput over the two previous standards, 802.11a and 802.11g. With 802.11n, there will be a significant increase in the maximum raw data rate from 54 Mbps to 600 Mbps with the use of four spatial streams at a channel width of 40 MHz.) functionality on SSIDsService Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.. This enables the network infrastructure to be tailored to serve both old (11a and 11g only legacy clients) and new devices based on their capabilities.

Extended ACL support for Configuring Firewall Policies

The new extended ACLsAccess Control List. ACL is a common way of restricting certain types of traffic on a physical port., Session ACLAccess Control List. ACL is a common way of restricting certain types of traffic on a physical port. and Ethertype ACLAccess Control List. ACL is a common way of restricting certain types of traffic on a physical port., allows you to configure rules for firewallFirewall is a network security system used for preventing unauthorized access to or from a private network. policies based on source and destination IP address, port number, IP protocol, and ethertype.

FQDN for RTLS Server

The RTLSReal-Time Location Systems. RTLS automatically identifies and tracks the location of objects or people in real time, usually within a building or other contained area. configuration setting is now enhanced to include the FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name. FQDN is a complete domain name that identifies a computer or host on the Internet. name of the RTLSReal-Time Location Systems. RTLS automatically identifies and tracks the location of objects or people in real time, usually within a building or other contained area. server. This should serve as a basis to easily scale and add resources to the application.

Forwarding WebCC URL Hostname to Central

Starting from Instant, the webcc statistics sent to Central will include the webcc URLUniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet. hostname along with the other application data.

Generating Default Certificates

Instant allows you to generate the Default Server certificate, WebUI Server certificate and Default Captive PortalA captive portal is a web page that allows the users to authenticate and sign in before connecting to a public-access network. Captive portals are typically used by business centers, airports, hotel lobbies, coffee shops, and other venues that offer free Wi-Fi hotspots for the guest users. Server certificate locally using the CLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.. This allows you to generate default certificates if your current certificates have expired or are about to expire.

Support for REST API

Starting from Aruba Instant, you can configure and monitor Instant APs using RESTRepresentational State Transfer. REST is a simple and stateless architecture that the web services use for providing interoperability between computer systems on the Internet. In a RESTful web service, requests made to the URI of a resource will elicit a response that may be in XML, HTML, JSON or some other defined format. APIsApplication Programming Interface. Refers to a set of functions, procedures, protocols, and tools that enable users to build application software..

Support for SoluM Gateway

Starting from Aruba Instant, Instant supports SoluM gatewayGateway is a network node that allows traffic to flow in and out of the network. to provide electronic shelf label services.

Wi-Fi Uplink Support for 11ac Platforms

The Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. uplink feature is now supported on the 802.11ac802.11ac is a wireless networking standard in the 802.11 family that provides high-throughput WLANs on the 5 GHz band. AP platform. The supported platforms now include AP-203H, AP-203R, AP-203RP, AP-207, 300 Series, 310 Series, 320 Series, and 330 Series access points.


Table 2: New Hardware Platforms in Instant



530 Series Access Points

The Aruba 530 Series Campus Access Points (AP-534 and AP-535) are high-performance, multi-radio wireless devices that can be deployed in either controller-based (ArubaOS) or controllerless (Aruba Instant) network environments. These APs deliver high performance concurrent 2.4 GHzGigahertz. and 5 GHzGigahertz. 802.11ax Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. (Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. 6) functionality with 4x4 MIMOMultiple Input Multiple Output. An antenna technology for wireless communications in which multiple antennas are used at both source (transmitter) and destination (receiver). The antennas at each end of the communications circuit are combined to minimize errors and optimize data speed. radios, while also supporting legacy 802.11a802.11a provides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps., 802.11b802.11b is a WLAN standard often called Wi-Fi and is backward compatible with 802.11. Instead of the Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) modulation method used in 802.11 standards, 802.11b uses Complementary Code Keying (CCK) that allows higher data speeds and makes it less susceptible to multipath-propagation interference. 802.11b operates in the 2.4 GHz band and the maximum data transfer rate is 11 Mbps., 802.11g802.11g offers transmission over relatively short distances at up to 54 Mbps, compared with the 11 Mbps theoretical maximum of 802.11b standard. 802.11g employs Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), the modulation scheme used in 802.11a, to obtain higher data speed. Computers or terminals set up for 802.11g can fall back to speed of 11 Mbps, so that 802.11b and 802.11g devices can be compatible within a single network., 802.11n802.11n is a wireless networking standard to improve network throughput over the two previous standards, 802.11a and 802.11g. With 802.11n, there will be a significant increase in the maximum raw data rate from 54 Mbps to 600 Mbps with the use of four spatial streams at a channel width of 40 MHz., and 802.11ac802.11ac is a wireless networking standard in the 802.11 family that provides high-throughput WLANs on the 5 GHz band. wireless services.

Wired EthernetEthernet is a network protocol for data transmission over LAN. ports located on the back of these APs are used to connect the device to the wired networking infrastructure (wired speeds up to 5 GbpsGigabits per second. are supported by both ports) and to provide POE power (802.3at802.3at is an IEEE standard for PoE version that supplies up to 25.5W of DC power. See PoE+. class 4 or 802.3bt class 5) to the device.

In addition to both the Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. radios, 530 Series Campus APsCampus APs are used in private networks where APs connect over private links (LAN, WLAN, WAN or MPLS) and terminate directly on controllers. Campus APs are deployed as part of the indoor campus solution in enterprise office buildings, warehouses, hospitals, universities, and so on. are equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLEBluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption.) and Zigbee radio that provide the following capabilities:

Location beacon applications

IoTInternet of Things. IoT refers to the internetworking of devices that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity features allowing data exchange over the Internet. gatewayGateway is a network node that allows traffic to flow in and out of the network. applications

For technical specifications and installation instructions, refer Aruba 530 Series Campus Access Points Installation Guide.

550 Series Access Points

The Aruba550 Series Access Points (AP-555) are high-performance, multi-radio wireless devices that can be deployed in either controller-based (ArubaOS) or controllerless (Aruba Instant) network environments. These APs deliver high-performance concurrent 2.4 GHzGigahertz. 802.11ax Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. (Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. 6) functionality with 4x4 MIMOMultiple Input Multiple Output. An antenna technology for wireless communications in which multiple antennas are used at both source (transmitter) and destination (receiver). The antennas at each end of the communications circuit are combined to minimize errors and optimize data speed. radio and 5 GHzGigahertz. 802.11ax Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. (Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. 6) functionality with 8x8 MIMOMultiple Input Multiple Output. An antenna technology for wireless communications in which multiple antennas are used at both source (transmitter) and destination (receiver). The antennas at each end of the communications circuit are combined to minimize errors and optimize data speed. radio, while also supporting legacy 802.11a802.11a provides specifications for wireless systems. Networks using 802.11a operate at radio frequencies in the 5 GHz band. The specification uses a modulation scheme known as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) that is especially well suited to use in office settings. The maximum data transfer rate is 54 Mbps., 802.11b802.11b is a WLAN standard often called Wi-Fi and is backward compatible with 802.11. Instead of the Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) modulation method used in 802.11 standards, 802.11b uses Complementary Code Keying (CCK) that allows higher data speeds and makes it less susceptible to multipath-propagation interference. 802.11b operates in the 2.4 GHz band and the maximum data transfer rate is 11 Mbps., 802.11g802.11g offers transmission over relatively short distances at up to 54 Mbps, compared with the 11 Mbps theoretical maximum of 802.11b standard. 802.11g employs Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), the modulation scheme used in 802.11a, to obtain higher data speed. Computers or terminals set up for 802.11g can fall back to speed of 11 Mbps, so that 802.11b and 802.11g devices can be compatible within a single network., 802.11n802.11n is a wireless networking standard to improve network throughput over the two previous standards, 802.11a and 802.11g. With 802.11n, there will be a significant increase in the maximum raw data rate from 54 Mbps to 600 Mbps with the use of four spatial streams at a channel width of 40 MHz., and 802.11ac802.11ac is a wireless networking standard in the 802.11 family that provides high-throughput WLANs on the 5 GHz band. wireless services.

Wired EthernetEthernet is a network protocol for data transmission over LAN. ports located on the back of these APs are used to connect the device to the wired networking infrastructure (wired speeds up to 5 GbpsGigabits per second. are supported by both ports) and to provide POE power (802.3at802.3at is an IEEE standard for PoE version that supplies up to 25.5W of DC power. See PoE+. class 4 or 802.3bt class 5) to the device. In addition to both the Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. radios, 550 Series Campus APsCampus APs are used in private networks where APs connect over private links (LAN, WLAN, WAN or MPLS) and terminate directly on controllers. Campus APs are deployed as part of the indoor campus solution in enterprise office buildings, warehouses, hospitals, universities, and so on. are equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLEBluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption.) and Zigbee radio that provide the following capabilities:

Location beacon applications

IoTInternet of Things. IoT refers to the internetworking of devices that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity features allowing data exchange over the Internet. gatewayGateway is a network node that allows traffic to flow in and out of the network. applications

For technical specifications and installation instructions, refer Aruba 550 Series Campus Access Points Installation Guide.
