Wi-Fi Calling
Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. calling service allows cellular users to make or receive calls using a Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. network instead of using the cellular network of the carrier. The users can make or receive calls, and send text messages even when they are beyond a cellular coverage but have a Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. network coverage. Most major carriers around the world support Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. calling service.
Wi-Fi Calling Operation
At a high level, this is how Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. calling operates:
1. Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. Calling-capable handset initiates a DNSDomain Name System. A DNS server functions as a phone book for the intranet and Internet users. It converts human-readable computer host names into IP addresses and IP addresses into host names. It stores several records for a domain name such as an address 'A' record, name server (NS), and mail exchanger (MX) records. The Address 'A' record is the most important record that is stored in a DNS server, because it provides the required IP address for a network peripheral or element. query to locate the evolved Packet Data GatewayGateway is a network node that allows traffic to flow in and out of the network. (ePDG) of the carrier.
2. The handset establishes a persistent IPsecInternet Protocol security. IPsec is a protocol suite for secure IP communications that authenticates and encrypts each IP packet in a communication session. tunnel with ePDG.
3. Calls, text, and traffic for other services offered by the carrier are carried over in this IPsecInternet Protocol security. IPsec is a protocol suite for secure IP communications that authenticates and encrypts each IP packet in a communication session. tunnel.
Some carriers use a standard FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name. FQDN is a complete domain name that identifies a computer or host on the Internet. format for ePDG that includes their Mobile Network Code (MNC) and Mobile Country Code (MCC). For example, T-Mobile uses ss.epdg.epc.mnc260.mcc310.pub.3gppnetwork.org. Others follow a different standard format. For example, AT&T uses epdg.epc.att.net.
Wi-Fi Calling Configuration
The Instant CLICommand-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. allows you to enable the wi-fi calling service and also configure DNSDomain Name System. A DNS server functions as a phone book for the intranet and Internet users. It converts human-readable computer host names into IP addresses and IP addresses into host names. It stores several records for a domain name such as an address 'A' record, name server (NS), and mail exchanger (MX) records. The Address 'A' record is the most important record that is stored in a DNS server, because it provides the required IP address for a network peripheral or element. patterns. The ACLAccess Control List. ACL is a common way of restricting certain types of traffic on a physical port. in access-rules to allow IPSEC/IKEInternet Key Exchange. IKE is a key management protocol used with IPsec protocol to establish a secure communication channel. IKE provides additional feature, flexibility, and ease of configuration for IPsec standard. (4500 port) enables Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. calling.
In the CLI:
wlan access-rule rule any any match tcp 4500 4500 permit
(Instant AP)(config)# wificall-dns-pattern <dns_pattern>
To view the list of IP addresses learned by the Wi-FiWi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a WLAN network, mainly using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802.11 standard. calling client during the DNSDomain Name System. A DNS server functions as a phone book for the intranet and Internet users. It converts human-readable computer host names into IP addresses and IP addresses into host names. It stores several records for a domain name such as an address 'A' record, name server (NS), and mail exchanger (MX) records. The Address 'A' record is the most important record that is stored in a DNS server, because it provides the required IP address for a network peripheral or element. learning phase:
(Instant AP)# show datapath dns-ip-learning
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