Support for BLE Asset Tracking

Starting from Instant, Instant APs can monitor BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. asset tags to track the location of time-sensitive, high-value assets embedded with BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. tags.

BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. tags are located through the following steps:

  1. Instant AP beacons scan the network for BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. tags.
  2. When a tag is detected, the Instant AP beacon sends information about the tag to the Instant AP, including the MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. address and RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator. RSSI is a mechanism by which RF energy is measured by the circuitry on a wireless NIC (0-255). The RSSI is not standard across vendors. Each vendor determines its own RSSI scale/values. of the tag. This data is maintained in a list by the BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. daemon process on the Instant AP.
  3. The list of tags is sent from the BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. daemon process on the Instant AP to the BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. relay process on the Instant AP.
  4. The Instant AP opens a secure WebSocket connection with the designated WebSocket endpoint on the management server, such as the Meridian editor.
  5. After receiving the list of tags from the Instant AP, the management server calculates the location of each tag by triangulating the tag’s RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator. RSSI is a mechanism by which RF energy is measured by the circuitry on a wireless NIC (0-255). The RSSI is not standard across vendors. Each vendor determines its own RSSI scale/values. data on a floor plan.

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command is used to view the list of BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. tags discovered and reported by the Instant AP.

(Instant AP)# show ap debug ble-table assettags

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command is used to manage BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. tag reporting and logging.

(Instant AP) (config)# ble_relay mgmt-server type ws <ws-endpoint>

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. commands are used to view BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. tag data:

(Instant AP)# show ap debug ble-relay tag-report

(Instant AP)# show ap debug ble-relay disp-attr

(Instant AP)# show ap debug ble-relay ws-log

(Instant AP)# show ap debug ble-relay iot-profile

(Instant AP)# show ap debug ble-relay jobs

(Instant AP)# show ap debug ble-relay report