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calendar_month 07-Mar-24

Campus Wired Connectivity

The Aruba CX switching portfolio provides a range of products for use in core, aggregation, and access layers of the campus. Aruba switches are built using a cloud-native operating system called AOS-CX. To achieve increased network resiliency and facilitate automation, AOS-CX implements a database-centric operational model. With features such as always-on PoE, Virtual Switching Framework (VSF) for access stacking, and Virtual Switching Extension (VSX) for core and aggregation redundancy, organizations can rely on Aruba CX switches for mission-critical requirements throughout the campus.

Aruba ESP for Campus offers several two-tier and three-tier designs to meet the requirements for organizations of any size. Larger organizations and those that require a flexible foundation for growth typically follow a 3-tier approach using a layer-3-only dedicated core, an aggregation layer that provides default-gateway services connected via routed links to the core, and an access layer connecting wired devices and wireless access points. Access switches typically are stacked using VSF; aggregation and core switches are paired using VSX. Access switch stacks cross-connect to aggregation pairs using Aruba’s multi-chassis link aggregation (MC-LAG) capability within VSX to ensure non-blocking, fault tolerant uplink capacity.

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