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calendar_month 07-May-24

Wireless Group Configuration

Aruba Central uses a two-level hierarchy for configuration tasks. A device’s final configuration is the result of common configuration applied at the group level, along with individual configuration applied at a device level. Parameters added at the device level override the configuration assigned at the group level. Aruba recommends performing the bulk of the configuration at the group level and using device-level configurations only when specific overrides are needed.

Table of contents

Configure AP Group Settings

Use this procedure to configure group settings for APs. An AP Group guarantees that common settings are applied consistently across a group of APs in the network.

Note: Best practice is to use the fewest groups necessary to provide logical organization for the network and consistent configuration between devices. Configuration cannot be shared among groups.

Step 1 Navigate to Central and login using administrator credentials.

Step 2 On the Central Account Home page, launch the Network Operations app.


Step 3 In the Groups dropdown, select an AOS10 Group name. In this example, select UI-WIRELESS.

Step 4 On the left menu, select Devices.

Step 5 In the upper right of the Access Points page, select Config, then click Show Advanced.

Step 6 On the Access Points page, select the System tab.

Step 7 On the System tab, assign the following settings, then click Save Settings.

  • Set Country code for group: US - United States
  • Timezone: Pacific-Time UTC-08
  • Preferred Band: All
  • NTP Server:,

Caution: Incorrect time synchronization within the network can lead to authentication errors.

Note: All APs in the group must have the same country code, so you must create a group for each country code in the network. The country code must be set before a configuration is pushed to an AP.
An NTP server defined in the Group configuration takes precedence over NTP configured with DHCP.

Step 8 On the Access Points page, click the Services tab, and expand the AppRF section. Assign the following settings, then click Save Settings.

  • Deep Packet Inspection: All
  • Application Monitoring: Slide to the right

Note: Aruba AppRF is an application-aware firewall running within the APs that provides application visibility and control capabilities. APs with Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) enabled can inspect the data payload within packets to identify applications in use. DPI also allows the creation of rules to determine client access to applications and websites, as well as traffic shaping policies. For a complete overview of Aruba AppRF, refer to the appropriate version of the ArubaOS User Guide.
Occasionally, Central features are released under Select Availability. If a documented feature does not appear in the Central application, contact an Aruba SE or Aruba TAC to request feature access.

Configure Gateway Group Settings

Use this procedure to configure group settings for gateways. Best practice is to place APs and gateways in the same group to simplify navigation between the two settings tabs when deploying the network.

Step 1 Navigate to Central and login using administrator credentials.

Step 2 On the Aruba Central Account Home page, launch the Network Operations app.

Step 3 In the dropdown, select an AOS10 Group name.

Step 4 On the left menu, select Devices. At the top, select Gateways.

Step 5 In the upper right of the Gateways page, select Config.

Step 6 If this is the first time using the AOS10 group to configure a gateway, the SET GROUP TYPE window appears. Select Gateway and click Save Settings.

Caution: If Branch Gateway is the only “Gateway” option, go back to the Global > Organization > Groups configuration page and convert the group to AOS10 before returning here to set the group type to Gateway. Do not select Branch Gateway or VPNC since they are used only for SD-Branch deployments. After the group type is set, it cannot be changed.

Step 7 Select the System tab, then the General tab.

Step 8 In the Basic Info section, assign the following settings, and the click Save Settings.

  • Password for user admin: password
  • Retype password: password

Note: Configuration changes are not applied to a device until it has a System IP Address. This will be added later at the device level.

Step 9 Expand the Clock section. In the lower left corner of the NTP servers table, click the + (plus sign).

Step 10 On the Add NTP Server page, assign the following settings, then click Save Settings.

  • IPv4/IPv6/FQDN: IPv4
  • IPv4 address:
  • Burst mode: checkmark

Step 11 Repeat the two previous steps to enter additional NTP servers.

Step 12 In the Clock section at the bottom, click Choose a timezone, select the timezone from the dropdown, then click Save Settings.

Step 13 Expand the Domain Name System section, assign the following settings, then click Save Settings.

  • Domain name: Example.Local
  • Enable DNS name resolution: checkmark IPv4

Step 14 In the lower left corner of the DNS servers table, click the + (plus sign).

Step 15 On the Add DNS server page, assign the following setting, then click Save Settings.

  • IPv4 address:

Step 16 Repeat the two previous steps to enter additional DNS servers.

Step 17 In the upper right of the Gateways page, select Show Advanced.

Step 18 On the Gateways page, select the High Availability tab.

Step 19 In the Clusters section, disable Automatic Cluster mode by moving the slider to the left.

Step 20 In the confirmation window, click Continue.

Configure Jumbo Frame Processing

Enable global jumbo frame processing to accommodate frames exceeding 1500 bytes. This is required for several features covered later in the guide to operate correctly.

Step 1 Navigate to the Central UI group with the gateways and select Devices.

Step 2 Select the Gateways screen.

Step 3 Click on Config to enter configuration mode.

Step 4 Select the Security tab.

Step 5 Within the Security view, select the Firewall configuration menu.

Step 6 Enable Jumbo frame processing by moving the slider to the right.

Step 7 Set the Jumbo MTU to the following value:

  • Jumbo MTU[1789-9216] bytes: 9198.

Step 8 Click Save Settings.

Configure Jumbo Frame Processing