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Table of contents

User Experience Insight Deploy

This section details the steps to deploy UXI for Orange Widget Logistics (OWL) described on the Reference Customer page. The IT department has a centralized helpdesk call center in the Roseville, CA, headquarters, with no IT presence in other branch and office locations. UXI will be deployed and configured to monitor network and application performance at the Seattle campus. The deployment process in this guide can be repeated for the rest of the locations. The deployed solution uses the following products:

  • Aruba UXI Cloud Dashboard
  • Aruba UXI Sensor UX-G5 and UX-G6 Series

Prepare for UXI Deployment

Completing the preparatory tasks below is crucial before installing and configuring the UXI sensors. This ensures a smooth and successful deployment of the UXI sensors for network and application performance monitoring.

URL Access

UXI sensors communicate with multiple systems to download configuration and upload test results. The URLs below must be accessible for the sensors to function correctly. Additional services used for testing should also be allow-listed to enable proper testing.

Backend Systems

The URL is essential for all communication between Aruba UXI sensors and their backend systems. The sensors must be able to access it.

Caution: Do not use SSL decryption for the URL above.

Date and Time

The sensor uses one of the following methods to obtain the correct time:

  • NTP servers provided in DHCP option 42.
  • The publicly accessible NTP server(s).
  • If NTP is unavailable, the sensor syncs time via HTTP from on port 80.

  • If the URL is not accessible on port 80, the sensor attempts to sync via HTTPS from on port 443.

Captive Portal and Proxy Detection

Reachability to on port 80 is a critical test for detecting the presence of a captive portal and identifying potential proxy-related issues during the UXI sensor’s test cycle. Depending on the test results, the sensor takes appropriate actions, such as continuing the regular test cycle, running the captive portal test, or reporting errors related to the captive portal and proxy configurations. More details can be found in the UXI Troubleshooting Guide.

External Connectivity Detection

The sensor uses the following URLs to test for external connectivity. If the URLs cannot be accessed, the sensor reports a No connectivity issue on the dashboard.

Caution: If a network has a captive portal in place, it is advisable not to allow-list the above URLs, which may prevent the proper redirection of the sensor to the Captive Portal. Instead, these URLs should be accessible, but unauthenticated clients should receive a captive portal redirect response.

More information can be found in this UXI URL help article.

Activate UXI Account on GreenLake Cloud Platform (GLP)

The HPE Greenlake Cloud Platform (GLP) provides a common interface to access and manage all HPE cloud applications in one place. HPE Aruba Networking User Experience Insight (UXI) is taking steps to be an application on GLP.

The following functions are now performed through GLP:

  • Adding and removing sensors from the UXI dashboard
  • Adding UXI subscriptions
  • Assigning users to the UXI dashboard

Create a GLP Account

To access the GLP UXI onboarding page, a valid Greenlake account is necessary. To create one, follow the steps in the Create an HPE GreenLake Account section of the GreenLake Platform chapter in the VSG, then return to this page to deploy UXI. If you already have an active GLP account, proceed to the next steps.

Note: When users first provision UXI, they will automatically see eval subscriptions added to their workspace. If they have purchased a subscription, they can also add the subscription key to their workspace. Purchased subscription keys are emailed to the end user identified in the purchase order.

Deploy UXI on GLP

Once logged into GLP, follow the steps below to begin the UXI deployment process.

Provision UXI in your GLP Workspace

Step 1 From your GLP Workspace home screen, click on Services, then Catalog, and lastly, User Experience Insight


Step 2 On the next page, click the Provision button on the upper right of the browser window.

UXI Provision

Step 3 In the Provision Service Manager window, perform the following:

  • Select region US West
  • Check the box to agree to the Terms of Service
  • Click Deploy

UXI Provision Service Manager

Add Devices to GLP Inventory

Step 1 When provisioning is complete, click Devices at the top center of the browser.

UXI Devices Link

Step 2 On the Devices page, click the Add Devices button on the right.

UXI Add Devices

Step 3 On the Select Device Type page:

  • Select Networking Devices from the Device Type dropdown list

  • Click the Next button.

UXI Select Device Type

Step 4 On the next page:

  • Select the Serial Number & MAC Address radio button
  • Add the Serial Number
  • Ethernet MAC Address of the new sensor
  • Click Enter
  • Verify the device appears on the list, as shown in the example below
  • Click Next at the bottom of the page.

UXI Add SN & MAC Address

Note: Enter the Ethernet (not the Wi-Fi) MAC address for each device.

Note: When onboarding a large number of sensors, the CSV File option allows you to use a CSV file.

Step 8 Click Next twice to skip the Assign Tags and Location and Service Delivery Contact page.

Step 9 On the Review Add Devices page:

  • Verify the expected devices are listed
  • Click Finish

UXI Review Devices

Assign Devices to the UXI Application

Step 1 After devices have been added to GLP inventory, verify Service Manager and Service Region categories are assigned to your new devices by doing the following:

  • Go to Devices

  • Filter for the new sensors by using serial number, Ethernet MAC, or model number

  • If Service Manager and Service Region categories are assigned as shown, skip the next two steps and move on to the Add UXI Device Subscription section. If they are not, continue to step 2.

UXI Assign Devices

Step 2 While still filtering per the previous step, if Service Manager and Service Region categories are not assigned, take the following steps as shown in the image below:

  • Check the box next to the sensor

  • Click on Actions

  • Click on Assign to Service Manager from the dropdown list

UXI Assign to Service Manager

Step 3 In the Assign (x) Devices to Service Manager Instance page:

  • Select User Experience Insight from the Service Manager dropdown list
  • Select US West from the Region dropdown list
  • Click Finish

UXI Assign Devices to Service Manager

Add UXI Device Subscriptions

Step 1 To add UXI Device Subscriptions, perform the following steps:Go to Devices, filter for the new sensors by using serial number, Ethernet MAC, or model number. When sensor appears, check the box next to the sensor, click on Actions, then select Apply Subscription from the dropdown list as shown below.

  • Go to Devices
  • Filter for the new sensors by using serial number, Ethernet MAC, or model number
  • When it appears, check the box next to the sensor
  • Click on Actions
  • Select Apply Subscription from the dropdown list

UXI Apply Subscription

Step 2 In the Apply Subscriptions page, click on the Apply Subscriptions button as shown below.

UXI Apply Subscription Button

Step 3 In the Apply Subscriptions popup window:

  • Select UXI-Foundation-Sensor-Cloud from the Select Subscription Tier dropdown list
  • Check the box next to the subscription key
  • Click the Apply Subscriptions button

UXI Apply Subscription Tier

Step 4 Ensure you see the expected number of devices subscribed, then click the Apply button.

UXI Apply UXI Foundation Sensor Cloud 2

Step 5 When Service Manager, Service Region, and Subscription Tier are successfully assigned, they should look similar to the circled information in the image below.

UXI - Verify Inventory

Step 6 At this stage, you have completed the following tasks:

  • The UXI application is provisioned in your GLP workspace
  • Your UXI sensors are added as devices in GLP
  • Your UXI sensors are assigned to the UXI application in GLP
  • Your subscriptions have been added to GLP and assigned to sensors

If all is complete, move on to the next section.

Launch UXI Application from GLP

Step 1 To launch the UXI Application from GLP, log into do the following:

  • Click the Services link at the top of the page
  • Click the Launch button next to the User Experience Insight service.


Step 2 When opening the UXI dashboard for the first time, a message will be displayed indicating no sensors have been configured. Click the Configure a Sensor button to go to the sensors page.

UXI Configure a Sensor

Step 3 In the Sensors & Agents page, verify that the newly added sensor appears in the Unconfigured section of the Sensors & Agents page with a status of Waiting for sensor config.

Sensor Onboarded

With new sensors ready for configuration, proceed to configure the dashboard.

Configure Dashboard

Create Groups

With sensors onboarded, the next step is to create the Roseville campus group.

Step 1 In the Settings page, select Groups on the left menu, then click the + Add Group button on the upper right. Add Group

Step 2 When prompted, enter the name and alias of the Roseville group and click Add.Add Group 2

Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create additional groups.

Note: Group hierarchy is now available to customers upon request. See the UXI Groups help page for features and instructions.

Configure Network Monitoring

With the new Roseville Campus group created, the next step is to configure the network and service tests. This guide uses the following network settings.

Network TypeSSID/AliasSecurityUsernamePassword/PassphraseAdvanced
WirelessOWLCorpPEAP/MSCHAPv2uxiserviceUx153rv1c3!Band = 5 GHz
WiredGuestNoneN/AN/AVLAN = 2

Note: While there is no limit to the number of networks that can be created on the UXI dashboard, each sensor supports up to four networks in any combination of wired and wireless. For more information, visit the Testing Multiple Networks page.

Step 1 On the Settings page, select Wireless on the left menu and click the + Add Network button on the upper right of the page. Add Network

Step 2 In the Add SSID window, enter the following information for OWLCorp SSID:

  • SSID: OWLCorp

  • Alias: OWLCorp

  • Security: Enterprise

  • Auth Method: Password

  • EAP Type: PEAP

  • Phase 2 Auth: MS-CHAPv2

  • Username: uxiservice

  • Password: Ux153rv1c3!


Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 above to add the next wireless network in the table at the beginning of this section.

Step 4 To configure the wired Guest network on the table, select Wired on the left menu, then click the + Add Network button on the upper right. Add Wired Network

Step 5 In the Add Wired Network window, assign the following settings, then scroll to the bottom and click the Add button.

  • Alias: Guest
  • Specify VLAN: Enable
  • VLAN ID: 2

Add Wired Network

Step 6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add the last wired network in the table

Note: For guest networks with captive portals, follow the steps on the Aruba UXI Captive Portal Setup page.

Configure Services and App Tests

OWL hosts multiple large customers every week. Fast, reliable, and stable connectivity to both internal and external resources is crucial. To provide reliable connectivity, the following services are monitored:

Service TypeTemplateTitleTargetTestsFrequency
InternalCustom/WebserverWebserver172.16.23.36HTTP, ICMP PingFastest
ExternalPredefined/SalesforceN/Awww.salesforce.comHTTP, HTTPS, ICPM Ping30 Min
InternalCustom/Telnet ServerAS400as400.corp.owllogistics.comPort 2310 Min
Select Groups

To add a new test to sensors in a specific group or network, follow the steps below.

Caution: When creating a new test, the default selection includes all groups, sensors, and networks, leading to global application. Ensure that the correct groups, SSIDs, and ethernet networks are chosen in advance to avoid unintended application across all of them.

Step 1 On the Settings page, select Service & App Tests in the left pane, then click the Change Selection button on the upper right.Select Networks and Groups

Step 2 Ensure that the Roseville Campus group and the required wired and wireless networks are selected by checking the appropriate boxes, then click the Close Selection button on the upper right.Select Networks and Groups 2

Note: For more detail about network and group selection, go to the Selecting Groups and Networks While Configuring Tests page.

Add Internal Web Server Test

The first test added is for the internal web server. Aruba UXI tests a web server by checking the following:

  • Port availability
  • HTTP status codes

Follow the steps below to configure the first test in the service table above.

Step 1 On the Settings page, select Service & App Tests in the left pane and click the Add Test button on the upper right.

Add Test

Step 2 In the Add Test window, enter the following information and click the Add button.

  • Service Category: Internal
  • Template Type: Custom
  • Test Template: Webserver
  • Title: Webserver
  • Target:
  • Tests:
    • HTTP: enabled
    • HTTPS: disabled
    • ICMP ping: enabled
    • HTTP status codes: disabled
    • Validate SSL Certificate: disabled
  • Frequency: Fastest
  • Rate Limit: disabled

Add Tests

Note: User Experience Insight now provides customers with a deeper understanding of web application performance from the end-user perspective with the Web Application Testing (WAT) framework. For more details, visit the UXI Web Application Testing page.

Add External Predefined Test

With the proper groups selected as instructed in the Select Groups section above, proceed to configure the second test.

Step 1 On the Settings page, select Service & App Tests in the left pane and click the Add Test button on the upper right.

Add Test

Step 2 In the next Add Test window, enter the following information and click the Add button.

  • Service Category: External
  • Template Type: Predefined
  • Test Template: Salesforce
  • Target:
  • Tests:
    • HTTP: Port 80
    • HTTPS: Port 443
    • ICMP ping: enabled
  • Frequency: 30 Min
  • Rate Limit: disabled

Add Salesforce Test

Add Custom Test Template

Aruba UXI includes customizable tests that provide useful end-user experience data and analytics for applications and services. Use the following procedure to configure the custom test template listed as the last test in the Tests table above.

Step 1 With the proper groups selected as instructed in the Select Groups section above, proceed to configure the custom test(s).

Step 2 On the Settings page, select Service & App Tests in the left pane and click the Add Test button on the upper right

Add Test

Step 3 In the next Add Test window, enter the following information and click the Add button.

  • Service Category: Internal
  • Template Type: Custom
  • Test Template: Telnet Server
  • Target:
  • Tests:
    • Search String: (leave blank)
    • Port: 23
  • Frequency: 30 Min
  • Rate Limit: disabled

Add Telnet Test

Configure Alerts

Aruba UXI alerts include dashboard notifications and emails. Follow the steps below to review and edit as needed.


Thresholds are calculated by taking a rolling mean over the last three measurements. Threshold breaches must last for a specified duration before they are reported.

Use the default settings for the initial deployment, then monitor for a few weeks to establish a baseline for the sites. If threshold changes are needed, modify and review them using the steps below.

Step 1 On the Settings page, select Thresholds under Alerts and review the Wi-Fi thresholds.

Step 2 Click the slider to the right of each line to enable or disable monitoring for the related issue.

Step 3 Click the pencil icon on the right of the enable/disable slider to modify the thresholds.

Step 4 Repeat steps 1 to 3 for Network, Internal, and External thresholds.


To subscribe to notifications, follow the steps below.

Step 1 In the same Alerts section of the left pane, click Notifications and review or modify the configuration.

Step 2 Under the Subscribe to Alerts section, click the slider on the right of the notifications to be enabled.

Step 3 Click the pencil icon on the right of the alert email address to modify the email, notification hours, and/or time zone.

Configure Sensors

After configuring network testing, groups, and alerting, the sensors can be renamed and added to their designated groups. The steps below install the sensors according to OWL’s requirements.

Organize and Rename

Follow the steps below to rename sensors and assign them to their designated groups.

Step 1 On the Settings page, click Sensors & Agents in the left menu and type the serial number of the first sensor in the Filter box (1). Hover the mouse cursor over the sensor line item and click the Config Sensor icon (2) that appears.Sensors and Agents

Step 2 On the Add Configuration page, configure the sensor using the following settings and click the Add button:

  • Name: RSVCP-UXI1

  • Group: Roseville Campus

  • Wireless:

    • OWLCorp
    • OWLIoT
  • Wired:

    • Guest
    • Management

    Add Configuration

Step 3 Verify that the sensor moves to the Configured list. Configured Sensor

Step 4 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the remaining sensors.

Mount and Connect

Because Aruba UXI sensors are intended to test user experience, they should be placed where users connect. They can be permanently fixed in certain areas or temporarily relocated for events that may require extra monitoring, such as company meetings or press conferences.

OWL’s requirements call for the permanent installation of three UXI Sensors.

Detailed installation steps and options can be found in the Aruba User Experience Insight (UXI) - Sensors tech brief.


The time a sensor takes to be detected on the dashboard can vary depending on what process it needs to go through.

When the sensor is first powered, startup software is activated to facilitate faster onboarding: this is designated by a solid white LED. The software uploads an AP scan while the main software is still starting up. On Ethernet, the sensor should be detected on the dashboard within 30 seconds or about 40 seconds when using mobile only.

If the software onboarding does not succeed, wait for the main software to run (designated by the flashing white LED) before the sensor is detected. This will happen about 2 minutes after powering up the sensor.

The time for the sensor to start testing an SSID varies from this point onward. If the sensor must update to the latest release, testing starts approximately 5 minutes after powering up (if configured on the dashboard). On a bad mobile connection or if the software requires multiple updates, the time can be extended to 10-15 minutes.

Note: If the LED color is orange, the sensor has no external connectivity.

See the legend below for the meaning of the sensor LED status lights:


Status LEDs

When all three sensors are connected and mounted, log into the UXI dashboard to verify they are collecting performance data as designed.

This concludes the UXI deployment for example customer, OWL Corporation.