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calendar_month 07-Mar-24

AI Insights Configuration

AI Insights quickly identifies, categorizes, and resolves issues that impact client onboarding, connectivity, and network optimization. These insights provide clear descriptions of the detected issue, visualizations of the data, recommended fixes, and contextual data to determine the overall impact.

In this release, the insights are classified in four categories:

  • Connectivity — Issues related to the wireless connectivity in the network.
  • Wireless Quality — Issues related to the RF Info or RF Health in the network.
  • Availability — Issues related to the health of the network infrastructure and the devices in the network such as APs, switches, and gateways.
  • Class and Company Baselines — Established to determine what is normal, unusual, and how to improve each network

Note: There are no specific knobs for AI Insights. As long as the devices are licensed and connected in Central, AI insights continues to work and provide meaningful, usable insights.