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calendar_month 26-Nov-24

Core Switch Reference Configuration

user %USERNAME% group administrators password plaintext %PASSWORD% 
banner motd $
This is a private computer system and is the property of <YOUR ORGNIZATION NAME>. It is for authorized use only. users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy while connected to this system.

Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to an authorized site, Aruba networks, and law enforcement personnel (foreign and domestic).

By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring, recording, copying, auditing, inspection, and disclosure at the discretion of an authorized site or <YOUR ORGNIZATION NAME> personnel.

Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in administrative disciplinary action and civil and criminal
penalties. By continuing to use of this system you indicate your awareness of and consent to these terms and conditions of use. LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY if you do not agree to the conditions stated in this warning.
ntp server %NTP_IP_Address% iburst version 3
ip dns host %DNS_IP%
ip dns domain-name %Domain_NAME% 
tacacs-server host %TACACS_SERVER_IP% key Plaintext %TACACS_KEY%
tacacs-server host %TACACS_SERVER_IP% key Plaintext %TACACS_KEY%
aaa group server tacacs %TACACS_SERVER_GROUP_NAME%
    server %TACACS_SERVER_IP%
    server %TACACS_SERVER_IP%
   aaa authentication login ssh group %TACACS_SERVER_GROUP_NAME% local
   aaa authentication login console group %TACACS_SERVER_GROUP_NAME% local
   aaa authorization commands default group local %TACACS_SERVER_GROUP_NAME% 
   aaa accounting all default start-stop group %TACACS_SERVER_GROUP_NAME% local
   aaa authentication allow-fail-through
tacacs-server tracking user-name USERNAME plaintext %TRACK_USER_PASSWORD%
Router ospf %OSPF_PROCESS_ID% area %OSPF_AREA_ID%
  passive-interface default
  router-id %COR1_LOOPBACK_IP%
  graceful-restart restart-interval 30
Interface 1/1/1
  description CORE_TO_AGG1
  ip address %AGG1_PTP_IP%/30
  no shutdown
  mtu 9198
  ip mtu 9198
  no ip ospf passive
  ip ospf network point-to-point
  ip ospf %OSPF_PROCESS_ID% area %OSPF_AREA_ID%
  ip pim-sparse enable
Interface loopback 0
  ip address %COR1_LOOPBACK_IP%/32
  ip pim-sparse enable
  ip ospf %OSPF_PROCESS_ID% area %OSPF_AREA_ID%
Interface loopback 1
  ip address %RP_ANYCAST_IP%/32
  ip pim-sparse enable
  ip ospf %OSPF_PROCESS_ID% area %OSPF_AREA_ID%
router pim
  rp-candidate source-ip-interface loopback1 group-prefix %MULTICAST_SERVICE_SUBNET%/%MULTICAST_SERVICE_MASK%
  bsr-candidate source-ip-interface loopback0
  bsr-candidate priority 1
router msdp 
 ip msdp peer %COR2_LOOPBACK_IP%
     connect-source loopback0
     mesh-group %MESH_GROUP_NAME%