Caveats for Group Management

The following section provides details on the caveats to be noted in Group Management in Aruba Central.

  • In the Groups table, the device list grid displays empty cells on continuous scrolling.
  • If a gateway group name consists of a special character such as ‘+’ symbol, the gateway configuration page does not work properly.
  • No warning message is displayed on the UI when devices are provisioned to an unsupported group. Check the audit trail to see the status of preprovisioning.
  • Cloning an AP group with type Campus, Branch, or Microbranch does not copy the following configurations of that AP to the newly cloned AP group:



    Tunnel SSIDs Service Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.

    L2 Forwarded SSIDs

    Mixed SSIDs

    Mixed SSIDs

    Tunnel Port profile

    L3 Routed/NATed SSIDs with VPNC Radius Proxy Servers

    Mixed Port profile

    L2 Forwarded Port profile


    Mixed Port profile


    L3 Routed/NATed Port profile with VPNC Radius Proxy Servers


    In Tunnels & Routing, the configurations and parameters related to Gateways and Clusters that do not get copied are:

    • Data Center > Cluster information
    • Static Routing > Ipsec map name and Cluster information
    • Policy-based routing > Cluster and Forward to Ipsec Map to VPNC information
    • NextHop > Ipsec Map to VPNC and Cluster information

For more information on Campus or Branch overlay configuration, see Configuring VLAN Settings for Wireless Network. For more information on Microbranch overlay configuration, see Configure Data Center VPNCs and Configuring VLAN Settings on a WLAN SSID.