Monitoring HPE Aruba Networking IoT Operations

The Applications > IoT Operations page provides a variety of charts (Summary view) and lists (List view) that allow you to assess the status of the IoT Internet of Things. IoT refers to the internetworking of devices that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity features allowing data exchange over the Internet. Connectors, IoT apps, and IoT devices.

In any chart, hover over any spot or segment to view additional information.

To view the status of the IoT Connectors, complete the following procedure:

  1. In the WebUI, set the filter to global.
  2. Under Manage, click Applications > IoT Operations. The Connectors graph displays a graph of the online and offline IoT Connectors.
  3. Click Show Connectors to view the list of IoT Connectors. The Connectors table lists the following additional information:

Table 1: IoT Connectors

Parameter Description


Name of the connector.


Status of the IoT Connector.

IP Address

IP address of the IoT Connector.

Reported Access Points

Number of access points collecting the data.

IoT Applications

Number of applications running on the IoT Connector.

IoT Devices

Number of IoT devices connected to the IoT Connector.

Classified Devices

Number of IoT devices classified by the IoT Connector.

To view the status of the IoT devices, complete the following procedure:

  1. In the WebUI, set the filter to global.
  2. Under Manage, click Applications > IoT Operations. The IoT Devices graph displays a graph of the IoT devices filtered by By Network Communication Type and By Device Class.
  3. Click Show Devices to view the list of IoT devices. The Devices on all Connectors table lists the following additional information:

Table 2: IoT Devices

Parameter Description


Online or offline status of the devices.


MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. address of the device.


Name of the IoT Connector assigned to the device.


Device class of the device.

Last Reported By

MAC address or name of the AP that last reported the device. This is applicable only to BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. The BLE functionality is offered by Bluetooth® to enable devices to run for long durations with low power consumption. devices.

Local Name

Local name of the device.

Company Identifier

BT-SIG registered company identifier of the device.

Last Seen

Date and time when the device was last seen.

To view the status of the IoT apps, complete the following procedure:

  1. In the WebUI, set the filter to global.
  2. Under Manage, click Applications > IoT Operations. The IoT Applications graph displays a graph of the installed apps.
  3. Click Show App Store to view the list of apps.

To view the BLE beacons, complete the following procedure:

  1. In the WebUI, set the filter to global.
  2. Under Manage, click Devices.
  3. Under Access Points, click BLE Beacons. The BLE Radios table lists the following additional information:

Table 3: BLE Beacons

Parameter Description

Access Points

MAC address of AP.

BLE MAC Address

BLE MAC address of AP.

Configuration Profile

BLE beacon service profile identifier.

Radio Instance

Radio of AP.

Advertisement Format

Format of BLE beacon advertised.

Advertisement Format (ms)

Interval of advertising BLE beacon.


Status of BLE beacon.


Ibeacon major UUID.


Ibeacon minor UUID.

Debug Commands

The following commands are available to debug IoT Operations:

Table 4: Debug Commands

Command Description Minimum AOS Version Required

show iot radio-profile

Shows radio profile for BLE and/or Zigbee

show ap debug iot-radio-devices

Shows radios for IoT

show ap debug iot-radio-counters

Shows counters for radios

show ap debug ble-config

Shows configuration/status on AP side

show ap debug ble-firmware-upgrade-info

Shows BLE upgrade info

show ap debug ble-table all

Shows BLE table of devices

show ap debug ble-counters

Shows BLE packet counter

show ap debug ble-session-status

Shows BLE session information

show ap debug ble-action-status

Shows action status for BLE devices

show ap debug ble-input-filter-stats

Shows input filter on BLE table

show ap debug ble-advertisement-info

Shows BLE advertisement info

show ap debug ble-daemon

Shows BLE daemon logs

show ap debug ble-relay iot-profile

Shows IoT Transport details

show ap debug ble-relay report

Shows BLE relay logs

sshow ap debug zigbee radio-table

Shows ZigBee radio table

show ap debug zigbee client-table

Shows ZigBeeclient table

show ap debug zigbee client-table stats

Shows ZigBee statistics for clients

show ap debug zigbee socket-table

Shows socket created by ZSD or Assa Abloy if configured

show ap debug zigbee packet-trail

Shows ZigBee packet trail

show ap debug zigbee event-trail

Shows ZigBee event trail

show ap debug zigbee topology

Shows ZigBee topology

show zigbee service-profile <name>

Shows ZigBee service configuration

show ap debug usb-device-mgmt device all

Shows all USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. devices connected to this AP

show ap debug usb-device-mgmt device detail <device-id, from above output>

Shows detail for USB devices

show ap debug usb-device-mgmt device detail interface <iface-id, from above output>

Shows interface for USB devices

show ap debug usb-device-mgmt rule all

Shows rule debugging for USB devices

show ap debug usb-device-mgmt plugin all

Shows plugin information for USB devices

show ap debug usb-enet

Shows device details for Ethernet Ethernet is a network protocol for data transmission over LAN.-over-USB dongles

show ap debug usb-enet client

Shows client details for Ethernet-over-USB dongles

show usb-enet client table

Shows client details for Ethernet-over-USB dongles (core module)

show iot transportProfile

Shows details of IoT Transport Profiles

show ap debug iot-audit-trail command-history

Shows trail for commands executed

show ap debug iot-audit-trail ble-action

Shows audit trail for BLE SB APIs Application Programming Interface. Refers to a set of functions, procedures, protocols, and tools that enable users to build application software.

To issue the debug command, complete the following steps:

  1. In the WebUI, set the filter to Global.
  2. Under Analyze, click Tools.
  3. Click Commands.
  4. Use the Commands filter to select the required command.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Run.