Installing and Setting Up Central Appliance

In case of Aruba Central-ready AirWave appliance or Bare Metal server, perform all the steps mentioned in this section.

In case of Central-ready Central appliance, perform the steps mentioned from Step 3.

During the installation and setup process, the administrator account on the iLO Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise is a proprietary embedded server management technology providing out-of-band management facilities. logs out and a new Aruba Central On-Premises iLO user account is created. The BIOS Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) program is used by a computer's microprocessor to start the system when powered on. It also manages the data flow between the operating system and other attached devices, for example, keyboard, hard disk, mouse, video adapter, etc. password is secured as an internal hash.

Step 1: Perform the ISO Installation

To perform ISO An ISO file is an identical copy of an entire optical disk for example, a CD or a DVD, archived into a single file. This ISO file is also referred to as an ISO image, which is a smaller-sized copy of large sets of data. installation, see ISO and Aruba Central On-Premises Software Installation.

Step 2: Perform the Aruba Central On-Premises Installation

To perform Aruba Central On-Premises installation, see ISO and Aruba Central On-Premises Software Installation.

Step 3: Configure ILO IP Address

Before proceeding with the procedure for running the network the setup cluster, perform the following steps to configure the ILO IP address:

  1. Log in to Aruba Central On-Premises with copadmin and the serial number.
  2. In the main menu of the CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. , perform the following:
    1. Enter 5 to select the Advanced option and go to the next menu item.
    2. Enter 3 to select the Configure ILO IP option.
  3. When prompted, enter the following network settings:
  • To log into ILO web interface, enter copilo + <server serial number>.
  • To log into ILO console, enter copadmin + <server serial number>.

Step 4: Setting up the Permanent Network

The procedure to set up of permanent network performed for both Central-ready Airwave appliance and Central-ready Central appliance models is mandatory on all the nodes that are a part of Aruba Central On-Premises cluster. For more information, see Aruba Central On-Premises Installation Guide-Technotes.

The Central-ready Central appliance is pre-installed with Aruba Central On-Premises. Hence, you are required to set up the server, or the cluster only. For more information, see Aruba Central On-Premises Installation Guide-Technotes.

Step 5: Run the Network Setup from the CLI

  1. Log in to Aruba Central On-Premises CLI through a serial console.
  2. At the prompt, log in to the server using the following credentials:
    • user name = copadmin
    • password = <chassis serial number of the iLO>
  3. Any mistype or incorrect details in the Network Settings cannot be reverted. The only option is to reinstall.

Step 6: Configure the Aruba Central On-Premises server

  1. At the prompt, perform the following actions:
    1. Enter 6 to select the System Configuration option and go to the next menu item.
    2. Enter 2 to select the Network Settings option and go to the next menu item.
    3. Enter 1 to select the Permanent Network settings option and go to the next menu item.
  2. When prompted, enter the following network settings:
    • Network Interface
    • Server IP address
    • Subnet mask
    • Gateway IP address
    • DNS server IP address
    • Secondary DNS server address (optional)

    Following SFP The Small Form-factor Pluggable. SFP is a compact, hot-pluggable transceiver that is used for both telecommunication and data communications applications. + network interfaces are supported:

    • Select only one network interface to configure the server.
    • Perform the above mentioned steps for all the nodes, if you are setting up a multiple node cluster.
  3. Enter the host name or FQDN Fully Qualified Location Name. FQLN is a device location identifier in the format: APname.Floor.Building.Campus. of the Aruba Central On-Premises server (for example, *

Step 7: Configure the Cluster

During Aruba Central On-Premises software installation, you can setup the cluster, configure user credentials, and SMTP server.

Following steps explain the process to configure a cluster:

  1. Cluster Setup—Set up NTP Network Time Protocol. NTP is a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computers over a network. servers for the cluster.
  2. Aruba Central Configuration—Specify the cluster VIP Virtual IP (VIP) is an IP address that as the name suggests, does not communicate with any physical network interface. , CLI user setup, user credentials for GUI Graphical User Interface (GUI), is a type of UI enabling user interaction with electronic devices through symbols, graphical icons, and other visual metaphors instead of typed commands or text-based UIs. , cluster private network, and proxy server setup.
  3. Additional Setup—Set up SMTP servers.