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calendar_month 07-Mar-24

Aruba CL2 VPNC Configuration

This guide provides the configuration steps required for VPNCs at the data center for CL2 mode Microbranch deployments. VLAN ID 253 ( is the VLAN configured on the VPNC that will be extended to the AP. UI-MICRO-VPNC-01 is the group in which the data canter VPNCs are added.

Note: This guide uses the VPNC configured in the hub and spoke section. To configure a VPNC, review the “Deploying VPNC” section. This section describes only the VPNC configurations required for CL2 mode in Microbranch deployments.

Configure CL2 VLAN

The VLAN configured in the VPNC is extended to Microbranch AP in CL2 mode deployments. The configuration of CL2 VLAN ID 253 is performed at the VPNC group level.

Note: The DHCP server can reside in the data center to allocate the IP address for VLAN ID 253 to clients connected in CL2 mode. It should be reachable through VPNC.

Step 1 Go to the UI-MICRO-VPNC-01 > Devices > Gateways UI page.

Step 2 Select the Interfaces tab.

Step 3 Select the VLANs tab.

Step 4 In the VLANs window, click the + (plus sign) at the bottom left.


Step 5 In the New VLAN window, enter:

  • VLAN Name: tunneled_users
  • VLAN ID/Range: 253

Step 6 Click Save Settings.


Assign the CL2 VLAN to the VPNC LAN Port Interface

The newly created VLAN ID 253 for CL2 mode must be assigned to the VPNC LAN port interface so it can reach the DHCP server when a DHCP request comes through the tunnel.

Step 1 Go to the UI-MICRO-VPNC-01 > Devices > Gateways page.

Step 2 Select the Interfaces tab.

Step 3 Select the Ports tab.

Step 4 Select the LAN port interface (example: GE-0/0/7)

Step 5 In the port interface window, add the following:

  • Allowed VLANs: 253

Step 6 Click Save Settings.
