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DNS (Domain Name Servers) Tab

Administration > General Settings > Setup > DNS

This tab lists the Domain Name Servers that the appliances reference.


A Domain Name Server (DNS) uses a table to map domain names to IP addresses so you can reference locations by a domain name, such as, instead of using the IP address.

Each appliance can support up to three name servers.

Field Description
Appliance Name of the appliance.
Primary DNS IP addr IP address of the DNS the system uses first.
Secondary DNS IP addr IP address of the DNS the system uses second.
Tertiary DNS IP addr IP address of the DNS the system uses last.

To add the three domain name servers, click the Edit icon.

DNS (Domain Name Servers) Edit Row

On this dialog box, you can configure up to three name servers. Enter the three server DNS IP addresses, and then click Add to apply the name to the domain.