Orchestrator Blueprint Export
Orchestrator > Orchestrator Server > Tools > Orchestrator Blueprint Export
Use this dialog box to export the current Orchestrator configuration to a blueprint that you can apply to another Orchestrator instance.
You can use a blueprint when creating a new Orchestrator or when migrating an existing Orchestrator to on-prem or cloud.
Blueprints can only be created from Orchestrators that have no appliances associated with them. If the source Orchestrator manages any appliances, blueprint creation fails.
You can create and store multiple blueprints with the same Orchestrator.
After creating as many blueprints as you need, you can add appliances to the source Orchestrator.
Blueprints automatically exclude all statistics, large historical data files (including audit logs, report histories, and so forth), and account information.
To export an Orchestrator blueprint:
In the Orchestrator Blueprint Export dialog box, select the blueprint type: Template or Migration
Blueprint Template mode - In this mode, IPSec UDP key is not included in the exporting. MTO uses Blueprint Template to create new orchestrators.
Blueprint Migration mode - In this mode, IPSec UDP key is included in the exporting. This works as making clones on an orchestrator.
Click Export. Export downloads an SQL file to your local desktop.
WARNING: This completely replaces the configuration of the existing Orchestrator.