Monitoring > Performance > Availability
Use the Availability tab to view HPE Aruba Networking SD-WAN infrastructure availability data measured as a percentage where uptime (total time minus downtime) is divided by total time.
NOTE: To use the Availability feature, you must enable New Stats Collection. You should also discontinue legacy stats collection. For more information, see Stats Collector Configuration.
The Availability tab provides tables for five categories of availability data: Network Role Availability, Service Availability, Transport Availability, Interface Availability, and Reachability. For descriptions and details, see Availability Tables below.
By default, percent availability is shown as an aggregate of up to 50 reachable appliances you select in the appliance tree. To view percent availability by individual appliances, click Show by Appliance.
Reporting intervals are based on day, week, or month based on your selection. Data is not presented in the last 24-hour rolling format, but according to a calendar day, calendar week (Sunday through Saturday), or calendar month. Data will not yet be available on the tab if the entire day, week, or month selected has not elapsed.
Availability data provided on this tab is calculated based on the availability time zones and business hours configured for your appliances. If the business hours of operation are currently set to 24 hours, you might want to adjust them so that availability data better reflects your business operations. For example, perhaps you use a generator to power your network. At night, the generator shuts off. You would want to exclude those downtimes from availability calculations. Click Availability Time Settings in the tab header to configure each appliance’s business hours and time zone.
NOTE: If you leave the business hours set for 24-hour availability, one minute of downtime is one minute over 24 hours. If you set business hours to 8 hours, then one minute of downtime is over those 8 hours. That one minute of downtime counts as a higher percentage because you are only calculating it over 8 hours of business hours versus 24 hours.
Currently, this feature does not monitor availability for unified fabric tunnels.
This feature does not calculate availability for clusters/sites or EdgeHA pairings. Appliances are treated as individual entities.
To export the data displayed on the tab to a CSV file, click Export.
Availability Tables
On the Availability tab, availability tables for Network Role, Service, Transport, Interface, and Reachability (that is, between Orchestrator and your appliances) present their respective uptime statistics. To display availability data for one or more of these tables, click the corresponding buttons at the top of the tab.
IMPORTANT: Renaming interface labels affects the calculation of availability statistics.
Instances of “No Data” in the tables indicate that no representative data exists. The following two examples assume that Show by Appliance is selected at the top of the tab.
If “No Data” is displayed in the Local Breakout (Internet) column of the Service Availability table for an overlay, the overlay does not have local breakout as one of its transport options.
If “No Data” is displayed in a service-related column (such as Zscaler Cloud) in the Service Availability table for an appliance, the appliance does not subscribe to the service.
Table | Description |
Network Role Availability | Provides availability data by appliance network role (hub or spoke) for SD-WAN Fabric, Local Breakout (Internet), and Services. Appliance time zone and business hour information are displayed if Show by Appliance is selected at the top of the tab. Chart and info icons are displayed as well. Click a chart icon for SD-WAN Fabric, Local Breakout (Internet), or Services to view network role availability trends. Click the info icon for Services to open the Tunnels Availability dialog box, which shows the availability of tunnels related to services. Click a chart icon for a listed tunnel in this dialog box to view tunnel availability trends. |
Service Availability | Provides service availability data by overlay for SD-WAN Fabric, Local Breakout (Internet), and individual services as defined in the BIO, such as HPE SSE Cloud and Zscaler Cloud. NOTE: The SD-WAN Fabric and Local Breakout (Internet) availability percentages are typically higher than underlay availability percentages. Chart and info icons are displayed in the Service Availability table if Show by Appliance is selected at the top of the tab. Click a chart icon for SD-WAN Fabric, Local Breakout (Internet), or a service to view service availability trends. Click the info icon for a service to open the Tunnels Availability dialog box, which shows the availability of tunnels related to the service. Click a chart icon for a listed tunnel in this dialog box to view tunnel availability trends. |
Transport Availability | Provides transport availability data by appliance (and interface label if Show by Label is selected) for Underlay, Pass Through, and individual services as defined in the BIO, such as HPE SSE Cloud and Zscaler Cloud. To segregate data by interface label, select the Show by Label check box. NOTE: For interfaces with multiple IP addresses, statistics are provided for tunnels associated with physical interfaces, but not tunnels associated with alias interfaces. Chart and info icons are displayed in the Transport Availability chart if Show by Appliance is selected at the top of the tab. Click a chart icon for Underlay, Pass Through, or a service to view transport availability trends. Click the info icon for a service to open the Tunnels Availability dialog box, which shows the availability of tunnels related to the service. Click a chart icon for a listed tunnel in this dialog box to view tunnel availability trends. |
Interface Availability | Provides availability data by appliance interface label. The appliance references the interface label to check interface status. (Policies are specified according to labels.) Interface availability does not distinguish between an administrator setting an interface down and the interface being down. It also does not reflect the uplink status for the radio component of an LTE modem. NOTE: For interfaces with multiple IP addresses, statistics are provided for the physical interface, but not individual IP aliases. Chart icons are displayed in the Interface Availability table if Show by Appliance is selected at the top of the tab. Click a listed interface’s chart icon to view interface availability trends. |
Reachability | Indicates appliance connectivity to the Orchestrator by way of Portal WebSocket and Orchestrator WebSocket. Appliance status is up if the appliance is connected to either the Orchestrator WebSocket or the Portal WebSocket. It also provides an Overall Reachability percentage if an Orchestrator OR Portal connection is available. Chart icons are displayed in the Reachability chart if Show by Appliance is selected at the top of the tab. Click a listed appliance’s chart icon for Overall Reachability, Via Portal WebSocket, or Via Orchestrator WebSocket to view appliance reachability trends. |
Configure Color Codes for Availability Thresholds
You can set thresholds for each availability category (Services, Transport, Interface, Network Role, and Reachability) based on your business requirements. Click the gear icon to open the Availability Thresholds dialog box. Thresholds determine the color coding of the availability statistics detail for any category. By default, green indicates 99.99% or greater, red indicates 99.00% or less, and yellow indicates any percentage in between. If desired, change these percentages, and then click Save. To return threshold percentages to their original default percentages, click Restore Defaults.