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Loopback Interfaces

Configuration > Networking > Loopback Interfaces

The loopback feature enhances reliability and security by enabling you to access your network using a single static IP address. If one interface goes down, you can access all interfaces through the single static IP address.

To add a loopback interface to your network:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Networking > Loopback Interfaces.

    The Loopback tab opens.

  2. Click the edit icon next to the appliance to which you want to add a loopback interface.

    The Loopback Interfaces dialog box opens.

  3. Click Add.

    The Add Interface dialog box opens.

  4. Configure the following elements as needed:

    Field Description
    Segment Name of the segment, if enabled.
    Interface Name of the loopback interface.
    IP/Mask IP address for the loopback interface.
    Admin Select whether the admin status is up or down.
    Label Label of the loopback interface.
    Zone Zone you want to apply to your loopback interface.
  5. Click Add.