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Protection Profile Trends

Monitoring > Security > Protection Profile Trends

The Protection Profile Trends tab provides a view of historical and real-time statistics related to Firewall Protection Profile thresholds. These thresholds are configured and mapped to specific zones and segments as defined by your setup. These charts are only available if the appliance has a Firewall Protection Profile applied to a zone/segment pair. These charts offer insights into statistics corresponding to Firewall Protection Profile thresholds configured for the specific zone and segment combinations.

The following filters allow you to select the data corresponding to the configured Firewall Protection Profile thresholds that are set using the Classification, Metric, and IP Protocol settings in the Firewall Protection Profile, which are then applied to the selected segment and zone pairs. By using these filters effectively, you can gain insights into the Firewall Protection Profile threshold statistics mapped to the zone/segment pairs of the EdgeConnect appliance.

  • Segment: Select a Segment and Zone combination to see the statistics related to the threshold configured and mapped to the selected segment and zone combination in the Firewall Protection Profile mapping. If a Firewall Protection Profile is not mapped to a segment and zone combination, charts for this segment and zone will not be shown.

  • Zone: Select a Segment and Zone combination to see the statistics related to the threshold configured and mapped to the selected segment and zone combination in the Firewall Protection Profile mapping. If a Firewall Protection Profile is not mapped to a segment and zone combination, charts for this segment and zone will not be shown.

  • Metric: Select Flows per second, Concurrent flows, or Embryonic flows to see the corresponding statistics. If a threshold for the selected metric is present in the Firewall Protection Profile, relevant drops and violation count charts are shown. If the threshold for the selected metric is not present, only the peak chart is shown.

  • IP Protocol: Select All, TCP, UDP, or Others to see the corresponding statistics. If a threshold for the selected protocol is present in the Firewall Protection Profile, relevant drops and violation count charts are shown. If the threshold for the selected protocol is not present, only the peak chart is shown.


You can customize the chart settings using the controls at the top of the tab, as follows:

Option Description
Time period Click Real Time to enable live statistics for all available interfaces.

Click a predefined time period (1h, 4h, 1d, 7d) to display statistics over the last hour, four hours, day, or seven days.

Click Custom and set your own custom time range to display statistics for that time period.
Large Click this option to toggle the size of the charts between small (default) and large.
Source Click this option to filter the list to view charts relevant for the thresholds configured at the source level.
Zone Click this option to filter the list to view charts relevant for the thresholds configured at the zone level.
Refresh Click the Refresh button to fetch data again for the selected time period.
Granularity When a custom time period is defined, select the granularity level to be applied to the charts (Minute, Hour, or Day).