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AppExpress Groups Tab

Configuration > Templates & Policies > Applications & SaaS > AppExpress Groups

On this tab, you can view all AppExpress groups, edit or remove groups, and add new groups. To edit a group, click the edit icon next to the group you want to edit. To add a new group click +Add Group.

The information in the following table is displayed for each end entity certificate on this tab.

Field Description
Group Name The name of the AppExpress group.
Overlay The overlay that the flows for the AppExpress group are put into.
Eligible transports The transports that AppExpress polls across for this group.

NOTE: The Overlay configuration determines which transports are available.
Target QoE The quality of experience (QoE) target measure for this AppExpress group.
Application(s) The applications that are assigned to the AppExpress group.

Add or Edit AppExpress Group Dialog Box

From this dialog box you can add a new AppExpress group or edit an existing group. Orchestrator includes a few default preconfigured groups, or you can create your own groups.

To add a new AppExpress group:

  1. Click +Add Group.

    The Add AppExpress Group dialog box opens. Enter information in the following fields:

    Field Description
    Group Name Enter a name for the AppExpress group.
    Overlay Select an overlay for the group. The flows for the group are put into the selected overlay. The overlay you select determines the available transports for the applications included in the AppExpress group.

    NOTE: Applications that are in the group are automatically added to the BIO that is chosen and you do not need to add them to the BIO manually because AppExpress overrides Overlay ACLs and sits logically in front of Overlays.
    Eligible transports Click the check box for each transport that that you want AppExpress to poll across for this group.

    These selections determine which paths are available for AppExpress to optimize for this group for transport.

    The transports listed are determined by the overlay selected in the Overlay field. See Transport Types for more information about Transport Types that AppExpress supports.
    Target QoE This is the desired quality of experience (QoE) for the applications in the group and determines how traffic is routed to the transport paths. Select from these options: Excellent, Good, Fair, Best Effort. Most applications will be set to Good or Excellent.
  2. To add applications to the group, drag and drop applications from the AppExpress Applications box to the [Realtime] Group box.

  3. (optional) Click Show Advanced to see additional settings. If you want to change from the default options for these settings, enter information in the following fields:

    Field Description
    Ping interval Determines how frequently synthetic probes are sent to the applications in the group. Measured in seconds. The default is 10 seconds.
    Source loopback The loopback interface for the group. It is recommended to use LOOPBACK for sourcing synthetic probes and for proxied DNS queries. It automatically sets itself to use Orchestrated Loopbacks.
    DNS for ping and user traffic Enter the DNS that will be used to send probes (pings) and monitor user traffic. The default is

    NOTE: Leave this field blank to disable DNS proxy for applications in this group.

    NOTE: If you plan to enable DNS proxy and deploy AppExpress Only mode, you must push an empty DNS template to the appliances before you apply any AppExpress groups to the appliances. See Templates Overview.
    User QoE interval Determines how frequently the Apdex score is calculated for user flows and how often a new path can be chosen.
    Ping QoE interval Determines how frequently the Ping QoE is calculated and how often the path hunting is reset.
  4. Click Save.

To edit a group:

  1. Click the edit icon next to the group you want to edit.

    The Edit AppExpress group dialog box opens.

  2. Edit the settings as needed.

  3. Click Save.