Air-Gap Tab
Orchestrator > Orchestrator Server > Licensing > Air-Gap
Use the Air-Gap tab to enable Air-Gap mode and complete Air-Gap registration.
The HPE SD-WAN Orchestrator Air-Gap solution provides a deployment option that allows you to deploy HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN in an isolated network environment with no internet connectivity. With the EdgeConnect SD-WAN product running in Air-Gap mode, appliance activation, license management, and other supporting functions are performed through the Air-Gap Portal where authorized customers can manually exchange information between HPE Aruba Networking Cloud Portal and the customer’s EdgeConnect SD-WAN deployment, removing the requirement of an internet connection.
The HPE Aruba Networking Orchestrator Air-Gap solution is only available for self-hosted Orchestrator deployments.
IMPORTANT: Once Air-Gap mode is enabled, it cannot be disabled. Only Silver Peak Support can disable Air-Gap mode.
Before You Begin
You must purchase the Air-Gap mode deployment option before you can deploy EdgeConnect SD-WAN in Air-Gap mode. Once purchased, HPE Aruba Networking Operations will establish an account for you on the Air-Gap Portal. Your licenses and hardware serial numbers will be updated in the HPE Aruba Networking Cloud Portal. HPE Aruba Networking Operations will send an email invitation to the designated contact(s) to set up a user account for the Air-Gap Portal. This email will include a link for resetting passwords and accessing the Air-Gap Portal, allowing the designated contacts to reset their passwords and gain access to the portal.
After the user obtains access to the Air-Gap Portal, they will physically move (“sneakernet”) the data using removable media from the Air-Gap Portal to their isolated SD-WAN network. The user must enable Air-Gap mode on the Orchestrator and then register the Orchestrator to the Air-Gap Portal. You will use this tab to enable Air-Gap mode on Orchestrator, complete Air-Gap registration, and upload the license file and supporting file to the Orchestrator within your isolated network.
Complete instructions for enabling Air-Gap and accessing the Air-Gap Portal are here: HPE Aruba Networking Orchestrator Air-Gap User Guide.
Enable Air-Gap Mode
To enable Air-Gap mode:
Navigate to Orchestrator > Orchestrator Server > Licensing > Air-Gap.
The Air-Gap tab opens.
Select Enable Air-Gap mode.
The Enable/Disable Air-Gap Mode dialog box displays.
Click Confirm.
The Air-Gap tab refreshes.
Register Air-Gap to Orchestrator
To register Air-Gap to Orchestrator:
Click Air-Gap Registration.
The Air-Gap Registration dialog box opens.
Click Show Registration Key.
Click Copy Registration Key. You will need this key to register your account in the Air-Gap Portal.
Leave this dialog box open and navigate to the Air-Gap Portal to obtain a response.
Paste the response from the Air-Gap Portal in the Portal response field, and then click Save Portal Response to complete your registration.
Click Close.
Air-Gap registration is complete. You can now assign licenses to all appliances registered to your account. Navigate to the Air-Gap Portal to complete this task.
Upload Air-Gap Files
To upload the license file and supporting files:
Click Air-Gap File Upload.
The Air-Gap File Upload dialog box opens.
Click Upload license file.
The file Open dialog box opens.
Navigate to and select the license file you downloaded in the Air-Gap Portal, and then click Open.
Click Upload supporting file.
The file Open dialog box opens.
Navigate to and select the supporting file you downloaded in the Air-Gap Portal, and then click Open.
Click Close.