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SSL CA Certificates Tab

Configuration > Overlays & Security > SSL > SSL CA Certificates

This tab lists any installed Certificate Authorities (CA) that the browser uses to validate up the chain to the root CA.

If the enterprise certificate that you used for signing substitute certificates is subordinate to higher level Certificate Authorities (CA), you must add those CA certificates. If the browser cannot validate up the chain to the root CA, it will warn you that it cannot trust the certificate.

TIP: For a historical matrix of EdgeConnect and Orchestrator security algorithms, click here.

SSL CA Certificates Edit Row

If the enterprise CA certificate you use for signing substitute certificates is subordinate to higher level Certificate Authorities (CA), you must add those CA certificates here.

Those same CA certificates must also be present in the browser. If the browser cannot validate up the chain to the root CA, it will warn you that it cannot trust the certificate.

  • Use this page to directly load the CA certificate into the appliance.

    • You can add either a PFX certificate (generally, for Microsoft servers) or a PEM certificate.

    • The default is PEM when PFX Certificate File is deselected.

  • EdgeConnect supports:

    • X509 Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM), Personal Information Exchange (PFX), and RSA key 1024-bit and 2048-bit certificate formats.

    • SAN (Subject Alternative Name) certificates. SAN certificates enable sharing of a single certificate across multiple servers and services.

TIP: For a historical matrix of EdgeConnect and Orchestrator security algorithms, click here.