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Configuration > Overlays & Security > Hubs

On this tab, you can add, remove, and associate hubs to a specified region within the Regional Mesh or Regional Hub-and-Spoke topologies configured on the Business Intent Overlay tab.

You can specify whether a hub will re-advertise routes that were previously received from a spoke in the hub’s region or a hub in another region.

NOTE: This feature requires appliance software version 9.1.0 or later.

You can also access the Regions tab and Business Intent Overlay tabs by clicking the links at the top of the page.

Complete the following steps to add a hub:

  1. Start typing a name or select the appliance you want make a hub from the list.
  2. Select one of the following:

    • Re-Advertise Routes – This hub will re-advertise its routes so that other appliances can learn them. This hub will also re-advertise routes learned from other EdgeConnect appliances within its region.

    • Do Not Re-Advertise Routes (Stub Hub) – This hub will not re-advertise routes learned from other regions or spokes. All local routes (static, directly connected, BGP, and OSPF) will still be advertised. Hubs that do not re-advertise their routes are stub hubs.

  3. Click Add Hub.

To delete a hub, select the X icon next to the hub you want to delete.

NOTE: You must remove all overlays before you can revert a hub back to a spoke.